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Stopping Cymbalta


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So now that I am gluten free I want to cut back on my meds. Like many of you I just hate taking meds... even though I know I have needed them. I take cymbalta for my fibromyalga pain. I am hoping that the pain was really because I can't have gluten. I am weaning myself off of it but having a little trouble. I just feel mentally off... maybe a little sad, worried etc.

I did not tell my doctor I am doing this.. I see him on the 20th and thought I'd just be off of the med by then.

Additionally I am cutting back on my klonopin... slowly. I found that I was getting out of bed at night and not remembering a thing. Freaks me out. Any advice is welcome.

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Hi kayjay,

That's so exciting that you're cutting back. I'm envious! I'm currently on cymbalta but have gone through the withdrawal a few times when the docs have been toying with things.

I am super sensitive to meds like many on here. We're all so different - and your doctor may have a very different opinion based on how you tend to react - but my psychiatrist said for me to just go cold turkey since slow weaning vs fast wouldn't change the withdrawal symptoms for me.

In terms of withdrawal, I experienced a sort of visual dizziness, where if I moved my eyes but kept my head still i'd get dizzy. My psychiatrist says some people get this, but luckily not all... so hopefully you're not like me. It think headaches are common too.

It's not fun, so take it slow and remember that there IS an end! I had a good solid week and a 1/2 that was pretty rough. It's like ripping off a band aid - the symptoms will subside.

Good luck - and maybe you won't have any trouble at all! fingers crossed :)

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PLEASE, only do one at a time! Klonopin is bad enough to come off of! Tell your doc, take it super-slow and be extra good to yourself while you go. I tried to come off my Klonopin and have cut back by 2/3, but I still need that .25mg a day. The other meds just don't work as well without it. Be careful and don't go too fast.

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Ditto on doing things painfully slow toward your goals. Truly benzodiazepine withdrawl or stoppage that causes withdrawl is sometimes managed in the hospital - that's how serious to take this 'heed slow' message. Over a loooong period of time is best in my experience - especially with Klonopin which is a long acting benzo. The long acting ones are the hardest to decrease without getting symptoms - yet it can be done ... and we are talking taking time to get down to a quarter tabe etc... Ask your doctor for a withdrawl schedule - or find one on-line maybe at Dr. Peter Breggin's website (the psychiatrist that is anti-drug)...

And as frustrating as it sounds - doing them seperately might be a good idea.... However if your doctor is monitoring you -- I'd follow their advice. Sometimes your sweet little brain just gets used to these meds - and coming off of them can have you with near hallucinations, siezures, nervousness, nausea, being sensitive to the light, sweats etc...

In the end you and your doc should be able to take steps to have you meet your goals safely and happily ... blessings~

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I completely respect your desire to cut down on medications, but I urge you to taper one drug at a time. I would include your physician in the process to devise a bearable taper plan. Everyone responds differently to coming off SSNRIs and benzo, but occasionally withdrawal can be severe and delayed. I would include your doctor. I'm sure he will respect your wishes, if you explain to him your concerns.

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Thanks so much for your input and advice. I did not stop the klonpin but I did stop the cymbalta... until i woke up last night with a horrible migraine ( haven't had one for a few months). I took 1/2 a cymbalta dose in the middle of the night.

Anyway I told my husband I think I like my drugs ;). I see my doctor on wednesday so I will ask him about it.

I hate taking these drugs but maybe I need to "get over myself". As always I am thankful for the kindness and information that you fellow "potsies" share!

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Unfortunately cymbalta like the other antidepressants does have side effects when withdrawing. You need to taper off slowly but you also need direction from your doctor and you might have to increase your klonipin while you are withdrawing but your doctor can help you with that. Cymbalta withdrawal can cause severe mood and personality changes in some people as well as physical symptoms. I had the severe mood disorders and believe me they were not pleasant and caused me a lot of grief.

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So I saw my doctor today and he said not to change anything... if I want to back off of the klonopin I need to break the pills in half for two weeks and then email him.

I guess I need to get over this issue. Other people act goofy sometimes too. I tend to blame every mistake I make on POTS or the drugs.

My dad made me feel better when he left a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in the back of the car for 2 days! It is not just us!

I do want to share with everyone ( although I have before ) I have very hyper pots ( misdiagnosed with a pheo)... and cymbalta is helping me more than lexapro ever did. That old snri vs. ssri thing. After being "sick" for so long... it is great to go to a doctor every 3 months who can notice the improvement that I don't always see.


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