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Getting Enough Rest


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How do you guys get enough rest? I'm sooo exhausted but eveytime I try to rest it's like my mind goes crazy and all I want to do is something. I don't know how to just relax and it's not anxiety it's just that I like to stay occupied. Any ideas?

I can only concentrate for 10-15 minutes and whenever I do thugs I feel awful I'm just so bored

how do you rest? It's like I need many hours of just laying down with my eyes closed

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Xanax ... 2 at bedtime. It doesn't help with the adrenaline surges or the tremor sensation but it makes me sleepy. That shortens the time I have to endure the adrenaline excess and tremors. Took some tonight actually and I'm about to fall asleep. Hoping that doesn't make me an addict taking it every night but it helps!! Good night!!


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I too spend hours a day laying down with my eyes closed. I listen to the radio. Fortunately, I live next to Canada, so I can receive CBC Radio One - with no ads (yea!) and no ads from non-profits telling us they still haven't found "the causes of homelessness" (double yea!)

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Guest tearose

I learned how to sit on a zen cushion and go quiet. I allow myself to focus only on my spine and breathing. It is NOT to sleep but to quiet oneself. You can sit and keep your eyes open.

Have you tried having some instrumental music playing in the background? I suggest the music cd's of Robert Haig Coxon , "Prelude to Infinity" is beautiful!!!

When you need to sleep..

You can learn how to lay down and let your mind quiet and allow yourself to drift into a relaxing sleep/nap

Look on the internet for relaxing techniques, there are many free ones.

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