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Weight Loss?

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I didn't gain any weight since I developed POTS,but just this year have lost now 25 lbs. by eating differently(I needed to lose weight). So, I can definitely say, even though exercise is healthy and good for people, I am living proof that just changing your eating habits can invoke weight loss, because this sitting in my rocking chair and walking around my house is in no case excersize!

The only thing I can think of that might CAUSE weight loss is Addison's disease, in regards to orthostatic intolerance. I don't remember your history and symptoms.

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My son was always underweight, but then lost more weight when he got POTS. He eventually gained it back but is still woefully thin. His doctor put him on Periactin to improve his appetite, but it only helped a bit. He might double the dose eventually.

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I haven't lost much weight, but I was too thin to begin with. My doctors are encouraging me to gain, but I can't seem to do it. I just stay within the same 3-pound weight range. They think it would make me feel better to put on 10 lbs or so, and to up my fat (!). I'm actually under the fat percentage I should be. Was I surprised to hear that...

Hope you feel better soon.



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I look back at pictures before POTS ( well extreme POTS) and I looked so full and healthy I weighed about 120 5'3 , when I had the major episode that keeps going I'm 99 lbs and it has been staying there for a good 6 months now when I felt real bad I was down to 95 that happens maybe once a month. Years ago I dropped to 89lbs and never knew why --besides all the crazy symptoms and the feeling I'd get during and after eating. All my doctors and everyone that ever sees me says " I'm so tiny I need to gain weight but I can't ????? maybe the metabolisim is too fast or something I just wish I could gain weight . And I was told by my last cardio to gain weight could help with the symptoms so I guess I need to try harder.

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