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Had My Serum Tryptase Levels Tested


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It has been in the back of my mind ever since I read about how many of you here have it. I have alot of the symptoms, but I have to admit they are general POTS symptoms, too. So, I just ordered the test yesterday and thought I just want to know!

I have been having alot of vasodilation lately, with hands and feet swelling, with hot flushes. If I get in the sun for even a couple of minutes, my "spots" on my arms and legs get bright red. So, instead of finding a doctor who will look at me like a hypochondriac when I ask to be tested for MCAD, I just did the test myself. I have already been tested for carcinoid, as it has some of the same symptoms, but it was negative.

I know how I am--if it comes back positive, then I will be on a new pursuit of WHY did I get this?!?!

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It has been in the back of my mind ever since I read about how many of you here have it. I have alot of the symptoms, but I have to admit they are general POTS symptoms, too. So, I just ordered the test yesterday and thought I just want to know!

I have been having alot of vasodilation lately, with hands and feet swelling, with hot flushes. If I get in the sun for even a couple of minutes, my "spots" on my arms and legs get bright red. So, instead of finding a doctor who will look at me like a hypochondriac when I ask to be tested for MCAD, I just did the test myself. I have already been tested for carcinoid, as it has some of the same symptoms, but it was negative.

I know how I am--if it comes back positive, then I will be on a new pursuit of WHY did I get this?!?!


HOW do you do the test yourself??? It's a blood test, right? Do tell!!! :rolleyes:

BTW, it doesn't rule out (or in!) MCAD. Instead it can rule out mastocytosis. It's a great place to start in your quest. Let us know what you find out!


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