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Low Hr, Chest Pain, High Bp

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I know I should ask my doctor, but I'm being stubborn. <_< Within the last two weeks or so, I've been having chest pains: nothing painful, just an uncomfortable ache. Then I started seeing sparkles and greying out with it, so I decided to take my HR and BP: 52bpm and 138/92. This is while I am on my BB and when I am usually very still and working. I have worn my HR monitor and my HR is dropping into the low 40s while I'm sitting; the lower it gets, the more it hurts. I haven't changed any meds and I am not sick. Any thoughts? It all goes back to my crazy normal when I get moving, but my HR is going from 40s to 80s almost instantly, like a switch is flipping. So do I suck it up and call my doctor?

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See your cardiologist pronto. I'm sure you're fine, but with your connective tissue issues, an echocardiogram wouldn't hurt. It certainly would give you peace of mind.

Mack had similar symptoms (HR in the 30's) when he had a bacterial overgrowth in his gut recently. Sometimes, increased autonomic symptoms are a sign of something else going on too- just a thought.

I hate seeing doctors too. Let us know what you find out.



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Apparently it is quite common and nothing to be concerned about. :unsure:

Is that what your doctor said when you brought it up to him? Hmmm.... I think it would be a good idea to keep an eye on these new symptoms and let him know in a few weeks that this is still a problem, how it affects your daily functioning, and see if you need any meds changed. Just my 2 cents. I do hope that you start feeling better soon. :o

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Guest tearose

Is this a new type of chest pain?

If you feel it is not something you felt before and are not able to get rid of it yeah, time to visit the doctor. Sorry.

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Yeah, it is a new pain, a new HR and new BP for sitting. I don't usually see sparkles when I'm sitting down. My normal resting HR is in the 80s, medicated in the 60s, the 40s is new. On the BB, my resting BP is usually 90-something over 50-something, not 130+/90+. I have been unusually thirsty lately and losing a lot of water weight everyday (2-7 lbs in 24 hours.) I intend to bring it up to my GP, the response I got was from a quick email to Vandy. I did have this type of pain and forceful heartbeat when I was more tachy, usually above 170bpm, right before I'd start blacking out and dry-heaving. I intend to keep an eye (and HR monitor) on it. I really don't want anymore testing or anything new. :unsure:

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Well, I'll be the first to say it- I'm worried. That's a lot of new symptoms. I hate doctors and testing as much as you do, BUT Jennifer it's time. PLEASE check it out. When's the previously scheduled GP appt?

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bloodwork in two weeks and appts in the first week of June.

I did some more looking and i suspect thyroid. My neck has been feeling stiff in the front for about a month. I think I see a bulge, but it is probably my imagination. :(

I'll call my cardio for the event monitor my GP wants after looking at my BP printout if you'll call yours for this new bradycardia of yours. You really don't know if you have a potassium imbalance, electrolyte issues or whatever else it could be. We all know how much we don't want to go to doctors but they are the only ones who can order tests that can unearth problems. Possibly they will say just reduce the bb and you'll feel better - that wouldn't be so bad.

You never know what blood tests might reveal


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bloodwork in two weeks and appts in the first week of June.

I did some more looking and i suspect thyroid. My neck has been feeling stiff in the front for about a month. I think I see a bulge, but it is probably my imagination. :(

I'll call my cardio for the event monitor my GP wants after looking at my BP printout if you'll call yours for this new bradycardia of yours. You really don't know if you have a potassium imbalance, electrolyte issues or whatever else it could be. We all know how much we don't want to go to doctors but they are the only ones who can order tests that can unearth problems. Possibly they will say just reduce the bb and you'll feel better - that wouldn't be so bad.

You never know what blood tests might reveal


AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! :( I wish I hadn't clicked on THAT link! Dang! Reen, you're getting as bad as me with those PubMed searches! OK! I'll go tomorrow.

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