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Calcium's Possible Effect On Our Symptoms


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I have been having an AWFUL time with bloating for the last two weeks. I have been trying everything in my arsenal, OTC and prescription meds. I have been mostly taking Milk of Magnesia(1.5 doses) to at least help move the bloating gas through and out every morning. This morning I woke with tight chest muscles and arms, and couldn't seem to get a full breath. It was like my muscles were somewhat "locking up".

So, I did some research on having taken 1800 mg. of magnesium via the MOM every day, and noticed hypermagnesia can cause hypOcalcemia. So, I started reading about hypocalcemia.

I read a study in a veterinary journal(oh well, still medical info!) that discusses hypocalcemia can decrease intestinal motility---something alot of us have a problem with!


Also, in another place, I read that hypocalcemia impedes acetylcholine release at neuromuscular junctions. This is another thing that alot of people have benefit from--meds that are used for myasthenia gravis, having to do with acetylcholine.

I know my pulmonary doctor tested me for it as he thought my symptoms sounded like they were related to a ACh problem. My levels were ok, but what if transient hypocalcemia causes it not to be used?

I have actually tested low in calcium on two random, routine labs in the last couple of years. Calcium and I have a hate/hate relationship!! I have tried to take supplement over the years, but they make my stomach bloating worse. I did read that if you are low in calcium to begin with(causing low intestinal movement), then take calcium and get poor uptake, that it can sit in the intestines and exacerbate the constipation!

I have not found how it might effect vascular tone, but since calcium affects smooth muscle, I am sure it very much affects vascular tone!

Anyone else have calcium issues? I know I am low in vit. D, but it makes me feel bad when I take it. It's a no-win situation for me trying to get my calcium needs met!

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I would like to add that I just read something very important:


It mentions in the topic on hypocalcemia that "another rare manisfestation is life-threatening hypotension resulting from diminished aldosterone secretion and vasodilation".

Obviously, I don't think we would be in a "life-threatening" level of hypoCa, but do see that it lowers the aldosterone levels, which has happened to quite a few of us, me included.

I would love for some people to think on this, as my brain takes in just so much, then I can't figure it out anymore.

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Interesting subject. I've felt that I have an inablitiy to break down calcium properly. I have yet to find one that I feel agrees with me. If you're deficient in Vit. D you don't keep the calcium in your bones as well. I too was deficient in Vit D. But I also have osteoporous. I know it's important to use magnesium, but too much isn't good either. That will imbalance your calcium. But contrary to most combinations, you do need more magnesium than calcium. So if anyone comes up with a brand of calcium that could be better assimulated and go into the bones and not the tissue. I'd love to know about it. I've tried even the plant form, that made sick. So, right now I use mag. with amino chelates and Vit D; and hope that I get enough calcium in my food to keep my bones somewhat strong. (although they aren't as good as they should be) So I'll stay tuned on this subject.

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My son has trouble maintaining or absorbing calcium (along with everything else, it seems!) so he takes Citracal. This is an OTC supplement that combines calcium and vitamin D. The tablets are coated, and he finds them relatively tolerable--although he suffers almost constant abdominal pain from his Crohn's disease and dysautonomia, so he may simply be lumping in any side effects of this supplement with everything else!

If you are having trouble with bloating, constipating, and gastric slowing, you might discuss mestinon with your doctor. Mestinon helps some dysautonomia patients with their symptoms and it almost always increases gastric motility. Depending on the patient's underlying symptoms, this can be too much to handle: If your gastric motility is normal, mestinon probably will create too much cramping and diarrhea. But if one of the autonomic symptoms is intestinal slowness, it might be worth trying--with a prescription and your doctor's advice, of course. It's a med that you can start very slowly to see if it works for you.

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My son has trouble maintaining or absorbing calcium (along with everything else, it seems!) so he takes Citracal. This is an OTC supplement that combines calcium and vitamin D. The tablets are coated, and he finds them relatively tolerable--although he suffers almost constant abdominal pain from his Crohn's disease and dysautonomia, so he may simply be lumping in any side effects of this supplement with everything else!

If you are having trouble with bloating, constipating, and gastric slowing, you might discuss mestinon with your doctor. Mestinon helps some dysautonomia patients with their symptoms and it almost always increases gastric motility. Depending on the patient's underlying symptoms, this can be too much to handle: If your gastric motility is normal, mestinon probably will create too much cramping and diarrhea. But if one of the autonomic symptoms is intestinal slowness, it might be worth trying--with a prescription and your doctor's advice, of course. It's a med that you can start very slowly to see if it works for you.

I can only tolerate 30mg of Mestinon, twice a day right now but I think it does help. It's hard to pinpoint what it does for me but I just felt better after a few days on it. Less muscle cramps/aches and better bathroom visits. :rolleyes:

I had IBS many, many years before POTS (so who knows if that is related!). I think I get backed up a bit too easy and this has improved on Mestinon.

As for Vitamins...last I had my D checked it was good. I assume they checked Calcium, I'd have to dig it out. I eat way too much dairy and drink a lot of milk. So I think I get mine that way.

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My son has trouble maintaining or absorbing calcium (along with everything else, it seems!) so he takes Citracal. This is an OTC supplement that combines calcium and vitamin D. The tablets are coated, and he finds them relatively tolerable--although he suffers almost constant abdominal pain from his Crohn's disease and dysautonomia, so he may simply be lumping in any side effects of this supplement with everything else!

If you are having trouble with bloating, constipating, and gastric slowing, you might discuss mestinon with your doctor. Mestinon helps some dysautonomia patients with their symptoms and it almost always increases gastric motility. Depending on the patient's underlying symptoms, this can be too much to handle: If your gastric motility is normal, mestinon probably will create too much cramping and diarrhea. But if one of the autonomic symptoms is intestinal slowness, it might be worth trying--with a prescription and your doctor's advice, of course. It's a med that you can start very slowly to see if it works for you.


Just a little note for your son's Crohn's. I have a friend who has this and had part of his instestines out. He initially took steroids. Then he went to a naturapath. They have him on Symbiotics Brand Colostrum and Coconut Oil. He has to be religious about it, but rarely has any problems with a flare-up. It has allowed him to live a near normal life. He swears by it.

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