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Scared And Confused

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Three weeks ago I had a severe attack of high blood pressure (195/110) and increased pulse(185). After 3 trips to the ER, my doctor put me on 50 mg atenalol twice a day. That worked great when I was at the height of my "attacks", but now it's way too much. I cut it down to 25 and I still have a resting heart rate below 40 and my bp frequently gets below 100/50. I should have taken a pill last night, but was scared to. I ended up having another episode last night with elevated bp and pulse. The doctor is unwilling to diagnose POTS but has diagnosed NCS with a positive TTT.

How do they treat the standing pulse rise without affecting the resting rate and low bp?

Question: Does anyone else have these kinds of syptoms?

Do you just live with it? Take meds?

When I have an attack my BP and pulse rise quickly, I get extreme shakes, pain in my arms(almost seizure like), chest pain(although not too bad), blurred vision. Mostly just scared out of my mind and afraid to be alone.

Sorry for the consfused post. I'm confused.

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Dear Looking4answers,

You sound a lot like me. I have been diagnosed with NCS and I too have severe high blood pressure spikes. The doctors put me on metoprolol XL 25 mg twice a day. Since I have been on the medication, symptoms have improved, but have definitely not disappeared. It is extremely scary and very hard to live with, but I try to take each day as it comes----some days good and some days not so good (lately more not so good). My blood pressure usually runs 90/60 and heart rate is 50. I have been unable to work since January and it has been one year since this whole thing started. Believe me you are not alone and this is why I love this website! The people on this website are amazing----they always keep me company and lift my spirits---So always remember we are here for you, Peppermint Patty

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The same thing was happening to me awhile ago. My blood pressure was too low, so my doctor put me on Florinef to help raise it. After two months, nothing changed so he told me to up the dose. In the 3rd month, I had high BP spikes (like 140/125)..it would happen out of nowhere and I'd still feel like I was about to pass out just as much as I do when it drops. I would get shaky, and my chest felt tight while this was going on. My muscles hurt so bad afterwards just from quivering so much..I still haven't found anything that helps me yet..I think it's just too all over the place to control to be honest..I called the doctor when this was going on, and they said if my blood pressure were to stay that high for hours, to go to the hospital..They didn't really too concerned or surprised that it happens. They told me this kind of thing is normal with POTS. I wish there was something to help us out though! I know how frustrating it can be..

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