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Metronidazole? Is It Okay For Female Problems?


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Well I've had this before not the first time here. The last time it took me weeks and months once it started to get my female ph back on track. I was really off and ended up on both creams and tetracycline to try to get over it.

I noticed an odor about myself two days ago. I've noticed it before and it's seemed to go away.

Well this time it didn't and my whole abdomen was really ouchy all day yesterday. It was all I could do to wait to be seen and get something ordered. I looked it up on line and it looked like if there was odor it wasn't yeast it was the bacterial type so I didn't try anything over the counter. I called first thing this morning and they worked me into the gyno. They looked at it under the microscope and said sure enough it was bv? Bacterial vaginosis. She described it as an overgrowth of normal bacteria, that's not what I read on the internet it described it as a lack of therefore other things can start to grow. My periods are really messed up and they think this is contributing to my acid base balance being off.

So she ordered the metronidazole. I've been on this before and not had a problem but I did pull out the pamphlet and read and it said to use in caution with people central nervous system diseases. Is POTS considered a CNS disease? I'm not officially diagnosed POTS and my bp's are low but okay. I was 98/60 in the office and again here at home. My pulse I was just mopping and took it right after was only 98 yeah! So I might be recovering. My biggest symptom is just the swirly sensation I get in my head at times and feeling that I'm either working hard to breathe or fighting not to hyperventilate.

I just thought I'd ask if anyone else had used this and had a problem. It says no deaths have occurred from using this since it is a vaginal preparation I'm sure not as much enters the blood stream or goes to other parts but it's there just not as intense as if I was taking an oral form.

I took just 1/2 a dose when I got home just cause I'm hurting here and didn't want to wait til bedtime to treat myself.

I have a refill if I need it and also she ordered me a script of boric acid inserts that I can use if needed twice a week for six weeks to get my ph levels back on track. We'll just see how it goes here I'm trying not to be afraid of this treatment. I don't want to just let the infection go and end up with pelvic inflammatory disease or something like that. I really feel like my whole network there is inflamed and burning already.


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Well I've had this before not the first time here. The last time it took me weeks and months once it started to get my female ph back on track. I was really off and ended up on both creams and tetracycline to try to get over it.

I noticed an odor about myself two days ago. I've noticed it before and it's seemed to go away.

Well this time it didn't and my whole abdomen was really ouchy all day yesterday. It was all I could do to wait to be seen and get something ordered. I looked it up on line and it looked like if there was odor it wasn't yeast it was the bacterial type so I didn't try anything over the counter. I called first thing this morning and they worked me into the gyno. They looked at it under the microscope and said sure enough it was bv? Bacterial vaginosis. She described it as an overgrowth of normal bacteria, that's not what I read on the internet it described it as a lack of therefore other things can start to grow. My periods are really messed up and they think this is contributing to my acid base balance being off.

So she ordered the metronidazole. I've been on this before and not had a problem but I did pull out the pamphlet and read and it said to use in caution with people central nervous system diseases. Is POTS considered a CNS disease? I'm not officially diagnosed POTS and my bp's are low but okay. I was 98/60 in the office and again here at home. My pulse I was just mopping and took it right after was only 98 yeah! So I might be recovering. My biggest symptom is just the swirly sensation I get in my head at times and feeling that I'm either working hard to breathe or fighting not to hyperventilate.

I just thought I'd ask if anyone else had used this and had a problem. It says no deaths have occurred from using this since it is a vaginal preparation I'm sure not as much enters the blood stream or goes to other parts but it's there just not as intense as if I was taking an oral form.

I took just 1/2 a dose when I got home just cause I'm hurting here and didn't want to wait til bedtime to treat myself.

I have a refill if I need it and also she ordered me a script of boric acid inserts that I can use if needed twice a week for six weeks to get my ph levels back on track. We'll just see how it goes here I'm trying not to be afraid of this treatment. I don't want to just let the infection go and end up with pelvic inflammatory disease or something like that. I really feel like my whole network there is inflamed and burning already.


Hey girl,

You and I are on the same wavelength today. If the flagyl is a cream, then yes it is totally safe. It is also safe as a pill, but there are much less systemic (total body) effects and side effects if given locally (vaginal cream). I was recently on Bactrim, Cipro and a new antibiotic Cefdinir, all of which have cardiac side effects, and I did well, actually a lower HR on them. I am sure you told your doc about the POTS like issue you have... I wouldn't hesitate taking it, especially if it is a cream, b/c you don't want the infection to get out of control and cause more probs... The only reason they say to take it at night, is b/c you will be lying down, thus the medication wouldn't be leaking out... I would have done the same with the 1/2 dose that you did.

Good luck, like you need this on top of everything else... Hey, I just noticed that you also wrote about the foggy head in Walmart.. I notice that when I have an infection, my POTS is out of control and my head is more off than ever. Maybe the extra head fog, is related to the infection. That would be great, b/c then you would be treating it!!

Feel better.

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I have taken it for female problems as having IBS bacteria can travel and I used to think it was a yeast infection. I now stay on a low does of it in pill form works best for me and my Neuro knows it and she would have said not to take it. My neuro says all infections must stay under control for Pots to say in control. I will ask her when I see her next month for you if you would like? she is wonderful and answers all my questions.


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That would be great bellamia-since I'm not diagnosed and I'm not sure if my gyno or it was actually the CNP that saw me I don't know if they know anything at all about POTS.

This may not get cleared up right away I already know that. I have had a problem in the past so yes whatever is the best safest treatment for us I will request it especially if this one doesn't work for me I need something.


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Hi lieze-

If it's a cream, you are totally fine. If it's a pill, it could be a little tough to take. Mt son is DXed with dysautonomia and he's been prescribed flagyl several times for GI bacterial overgrowths. It makes him feel quite nauseous. You MUST avoid alcohol when taking this- orally. It interacts dangerously.

Overall, you should be fine. Cream is better- no worries. The pill is a bit tougher to handle.

Feel better-


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Hi lieze-

If it's a cream, you are totally fine. If it's a pill, it could be a little tough to take. Mt son is DXed with dysautonomia and he's been prescribed flagyl several times for GI bacterial overgrowths. It makes him feel quite nauseous. You MUST avoid alcohol when taking this- orally. It interacts dangerously.

Overall, you should be fine. Cream is better- no worries. The pill is a bit tougher to handle.

Feel better-


I'm nauseous off and on and I can't blame it on the flagyl, BUT if anyone takes mestion in the liquid form like I do as it does have a small amount of alcohol in it not to take close to a does of the mestion. I take both forms of mestions pills and liquid as certain conditions make the pills when I need to break then crumb to nothing.

The cream alone never got rid of my problem, I kept being mis dxed until I had precancerous cells growing in my uterus and my gyn did a culture and I did not have yeast and found out that more was going on and I needed the pill for bacterial overgrowth. Praise the Lord, all is well in the cancer dept. knock on wood.

bellamia ~*

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I'm glad all is well for you in the cancer dept too bellamia.

Yes this is a cream and it might be my imagination but I feel a tad better already.

Last time I needed two creams and the oral ATB and it took weeks to get over it so I'm a bit worried here. I've never tried the boric acid before has anyone tried it?

I have to go to a special pharmacy that makes it up in inserts (suppositories maybe)

but I am to wait until I am done with the cream first.

Based on one of the other posters I did request lab orders for an iron level too since I have these periods so close together, I want to keep an eye on that since the anemia will just complicate the whole process of my body staying oxygenated.


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Well I had kind of a bad reaction last night not sure if it was related to the Metronidazole or not.

I woke up at 1:00 am with a severe spasm in my perineum. I get this every once in a while I guess it must be from birth trauma from one of my kids. It lasts for probably 20 minutes and is very painful. I would compare it to a labor contraction although with contractions they peak and you get a break in between usually this just continues non stop for 20 minutes. This time it was triggering a nerve in my leg and I had pain all the way down my right leg to my foot. I also had some nausea about part way through it but I didn't know if it was from the pain.

It did then go away. I used heat. Husband was up and saw I was struggling and he tried to massage it where it was running down the nerve. It helped a little but then another wave went through. I used heat a bed buddy I heated up in the microwave and I ended up just rocking back and forth til it stopped.

I didn't know if it was a reaction to the gel or not since I get this from time to time. Usually it's after I have fallen asleep for some reason.

I'm not sure what to do about another dose tonight. I am a bit scared.


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Well I had kind of a bad reaction last night not sure if it was related to the Metronidazole or not.

I woke up at 1:00 am with a severe spasm in my perineum. I get this every once in a while I guess it must be from birth trauma from one of my kids. It lasts for probably 20 minutes and is very painful. I would compare it to a labor contraction although with contractions they peak and you get a break in between usually this just continues non stop for 20 minutes. This time it was triggering a nerve in my leg and I had pain all the way down my right leg to my foot. I also had some nausea about part way through it but I didn't know if it was from the pain.

It did then go away. I used heat. Husband was up and saw I was struggling and he tried to massage it where it was running down the nerve. It helped a little but then another wave went through. I used heat a bed buddy I heated up in the microwave and I ended up just rocking back and forth til it stopped.

I didn't know if it was a reaction to the gel or not since I get this from time to time. Usually it's after I have fallen asleep for some reason.

I'm not sure what to do about another dose tonight. I am a bit scared.



my guess would be that if you already get this spasm already every once in a while then it's not from the gel. I wonder if maybe you get them at night if it would help to take a muscle relaxer like flexeril at bed time. I have to for the fibro which goes along with the Pots. You poor thing it sounds terrible.... sounds like you have a great husband trying to help out the situation... Wish I had someone to help massage out my pains, so count your blessings sweet one. Don't get so scared,try to relax. Are you on any meds at all? Maybe you could take some calicum with D before bed it's good for sleep and muscle cramps, along with b complex that is what I also do. You should check with your doctor if your are taking other meds first.

What's a bed buddy over there? Mine's my dog, he's a cockerpoodle and crawls under the covers and warms me up. I hope you have a much better night. Sleep tight! My bed buddy and I are going to bed. lol


Bella Mia~

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A bed buddy is a long bag filled with rice I believe. You heat it up in the microwave for about 2 minutes. The vitamin supplements might be a good idea.

I am going to skip the gel tonight because that nerve that runs down my leg hurt this evening.

It hurt to stand on it.


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