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Chest Pain When Lying On My Left Side

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I don't get chest pains, though, when I lie on my right side. This is frustrating since I've almost always slept on my left side. Nothing I've done (except roll over to my right side) has helped with this. Anyone else get this?

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Yes there are times when I cannot tolerate lying on my left side at all. I get pressure and it becomes so intense I just can't stand it any longer and have to change positions.

I know it's frustrating to be limited to your back or right side but I don't see that we have a choice.

I do notice sometimes in the early morning hours say 4-5 am I can tolerate it. It may have something to do with acid reflux.


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Actually, I can pretty much only lie on my right side now... Unless I am propped up (or in a recliner), lying on my back is horrible, as I feel like I can't breathe. My right hip and knee haven't been too happy about the changes in the sleeping arrangements. :blink:

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Got to be a reason so many of us share this symptom - I'd like to know what is really going on with our bodies when this happens. Anyone have a theory? I have other times when I have chest fullness/tightness/pressure too (sometimes has to do with eating, sometimes bending too much, etc.) but I am almost never short of breath - do have the feeling I can't breathe in certain positions though - like when I am slouching at a certain angle. Just seems like this is such a mystery - sort of fascinating...but mostly depressing. Like many other illnesses.........I hope there will be a cure one day.

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I get this too... but have never associated it with POTS until reading this now. I'm fine on my back or right side but the left for me is a sharp pain and my breath is sort of taken away until I roll onto my back. I dont think the drs will be able to answer this one though - seems like an unfortunate candidate for the "medicine hasn't caught up with that yet" response I hate so much! Hopefully someone's cardio can shed some light. I'd love hear theories too!!


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