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Bye-bye Piggy Bank!


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So I have my 6 month appointment with the neurologist, and he asks how I'm doing. I tell him that I have all the same complaints that brought him to me initially, but they are "medicated" and therefore better or at least tolerable. He flips back and forth through my chart several times and looks up and says: "I notice you have multiple neuro-endocrine problems, has anyone ever mentioned to you that this pineal cyst might be the cause?" :) Duh, only ME for the last year or so! I told him that various doctors have reassured me that it could not possibly be the cause, and he says: "well it actually could...you need another MRI." I'm beyond hoping for a definitive diagnosis on that one. I don't even dare let myself that they even find the little booger again! All I know is that my deductible is about to be met again, within the first two months of the year. My insurance company must hate me! He says he is sure I've always had POTS since Vandy said so, but all the other stuff may be "fixable" with a little brain surgery...oh goody. :(

Maybe I'll cancel, I'd rather get a kayak.

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Gulp. Not sure what to think. I bet you feel the same way. I just want to send hugs and support.

I haven't had my pineal re-looked at for years. A neuro-surgeon at Emory, 16 years ago, told me that if I could roll my eyes up (the teenage DUH! look) I was OK. I check occasionally & try not to worry. He did tell me that I WOULD (not maybe!) need surgery when I was a little old lady, 70's. Seems to be looming closer...I can't remember the size of mine- maybe 3 cm (?), but it's almost blocking my cerebral spinal flow. How big is yours?

I know the surgery has come a long way & is safer & better than ever. What a way to get a haircut :( I have a strong feeling he'll decide it's not your pineal after all. BUT, if it is, and you can have an improvement in symptoms- Woo Hoo!!!!

Let us know what you find out.



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So if you got a kyack could you use it other than as a decoration like a coffe table in your living room? :)

Brain surgery is an awful scary proposition. Sending you hugs and lots of support as you try to make a tough decision.

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I could probably use the kayak, it's stairs that put me under! As long as i don't lift the paddle above my head, I'd be fine. :)

The treatment plan right now depends on what the MRI shows. If this thing has gone from not there to 5+ mm and growing in the last six months, it is something that will need to be treated. I am in serious doubts that this radiologist will even see the darn thing! It is apparently (according the the last MRI) taking up almost the entire pineal gland. Once it leave the confines of that area it is put on a "watch" list, even though it is not supposed to cause any problems until it reaches 1cm or larger. The neurologist is calling it symptomatic since the daily headache and visual issues started at the same time, as well as all the worsening autonomic issues. I still have upward gaze, but not inward gaze in one eye, so I get double vision by the end of the day and cannot see anything closer than 18 inches without reading glasses.

Supposedly surgery would be through the opening in the skull where the spine enters. It is endoscopic and they go in and drain all the fluid from the cyst...as long as it is fluid and not other material. I really don't think that it will come to that, and that this is just a wild goose chase again. I won't allow myself to get my hopes up. It would explain an awful lot of my symptoms, but so would any of the other theories that have been put forward. I guess I'm getting jaded. <_< I won't allow myself to worry about it, it wastes too much energy and energy is precious. I just hate meeting that blasted deductible this early in the year on "nothing" again. Out of pocket expenses are eating into our savings, especially when they are not producing any results or relief of any kind! If I knew that my headache would disappear and my eyes would work normally again, I'd bend over and let the doctor drain that booger right now! But for now, we'll have to wait and see.

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