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Night Sweats


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Does anyone wake in the night in a pool of sweat? I am suffering with this a lot at the moment and wonder if it is connected with POTS as this is also flaring up dreadfully just now. It is snowing outside but I will often wake up in the night to open the window, and yet yesterday I went out in the snow for a few minutes, and could not warm up at all until I had a hot bath hours later. Does this sound familiar?

The back of my hair is dripping in the night at times and between my toes, and this will always be in the nights when I get up and find my pulse racing in the morning on standing. Can anyone identify with this and any ideas to reduce it?

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I have been experiencing the exact same thing, Machair! Unfortunately, I don't have an explanation that I can share (neither do my docs).

My night sweats seem to be correlated to when I'm having restless legs-not necessesarily the same night, but within a few days. I have lowered the heat to 50 some nights, but I still wake up dripping wet.

I am also FREEZING most of the rest of the time. Over the holidays, I was in southern california where the temp was in the 60s (as opposed to the teens here), and I had to have an electric blanket and layers all the time.

Sorry you are going through this too! Must admit though, I am comforted to know I'm not alone :-)

Be well,


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Hi! I have had this happen 2 or 3 times in the year I have been dealing with this. The 1st time it happened I thought I actually pee'd the bed! LOL! I am usually on the opposite end which is freezing cold all the time. The guy who did my heart rate variability test told me that was probably happening because my body is trying to get the autonomic nervous system back into balance. Does it seem to have any pattern? I have been logging my morning BP and HR and then writing down how I feel and what not just trying to see if there is a pattern during the month. If you figure out anything please let us know!


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My night sweats seem to be correlated to when I'm having restless legs-not necessesarily the same night, but within a few days. I have lowered the heat to 50 some nights, but I still wake up dripping wet.

I get the sweats at night when I'm in a POTS flare, but I also get those horrible body twitches along with the sweats. I say horrible because it feels like electricity running down my body and it's mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep. I've had a very stressful past 2 weeks and have been in a bad flare. All my symptoms get worse during this time.

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I get a lot of night sweats when I'm in a flare. I thought it was hormonal (hot flashes) and kept trying to adjust my estrogen patch until I realized the "hot flashes" only came at night. :blink: They do say brain fog is a symptom of all this too right? Just a little slow here. :D

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Ahhh!!!! I hate this. I get these. I can sometimes prevent them by sleeping in a very cold room with inadequate covers. However, if I have been under any stress then there is just no preventing them. The freaky thing is that I can be completely drenched in sweat and my feet with be so cold that I cannot feel them. At my apartment I am able to let the house get to a nice temperature during the day and then open the window and let in the night air or run the AC just at night. But when I am at my parents house I just have to spend all day in a frozen room so I will be able to sleep without melting at night. I have no idea what causes the cold feet either-- my feet do not swell or change colors or mottle so I have no idea what it is related to.

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