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Had Ultrasound, Our Baby's Gender Is....


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A GIRL!! I've been waiting my entire life to have a daughter, and the ultrasound last Monday revealed that indeed that is meant to be =)

I have two wonderful boys, so this will complete our little family perfectly!

This also explains a lot of the POTS difficulties that I've had with this pregnancy- I'm sure that the baby being a different gender explains many of the new and different symptoms I'm having! Things are better now that the first trimester is over, but I'm nowhere near my normal self health-wise.

I wonder how many of you other mommies out there had more difficult pregnancies with POTS and girls? Maybe it has something to do with production of additional female hormones? I am trying to figure that out, because I felt so great with my boys.

Anyway my husband and I are THRILLED and can't wait to meet our little princess!

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Hi Jessica--congratulations!

I was also wondering if the reason you were having more symptoms was due to carrying a different gender--but just a thought on my part too. It could also be--you are older now, you have 2 kids already to keep up with as well.... lots of factors at play. I wonder if I had been pregnant in my 20's instead of age 33 if I would have had less trouble with POTS. Lots of questions that hopefully there will be more information about in the future.

Hope you start feeling better soon.

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Congratulations! I'm sure you'll love having a little girl and the new addition to your family.

I have POTS and recently had a girl. This last pregnancy was harder than my pregnancy a few years ago with my son. It could have been harder for several reasons: my health is worse now than it was in the past, every pregnancy is different, I was caring for a child while pregnant, I wasn't sleeping well, etc. With my son I felt better immediately, and my health was better throughout my pregnancy. With my daughter I was more tired in the first trimester (which I'm told is normal), and then I was just at "normal" for me for the next few months. I actually felt my best when I was in my 9th month of pregnancy!

I hope that the rest of your pregnancy goes well for you. Be sure to check back in with us sometimes and let us know how you and your baby girl are doing. ;)


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