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Tingling And Needles?


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I get this at times. It is annoying and lasts for a few days, sometimes just several hours or so. It feels exactly like a sharp little needle prick in random places. I started noticing this well before being diagnosed with POTS. The first time I had it, it scared me greatly. Now it doesn't concern me! But if it is a new symptom for you, you should mention it to your dr. There are a lot of potential causes for it. I am actually not sure it is a common POTS symptom...

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My neuropathy is like that. When it acts up in areas other than my hands feet arms and legs I need to point it out and usually need it looked at or a bace or the area to make sure no further nerve damage is being done.

Broke my foot and sprained it so many times before I knew I had neuropathy.

In my face there is nothing they can do but catscan me from time to time to make sure nothing has changed.


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The tingling seems to be a bit better today but I still get it at times. My mom doesn't think it's anything to worry about right now, if it persists I'll have to talk to my dr. I did notice in the symptoms page here tingling senstions is listed as well as listed for a side effect of mestinon. So it really could be one of them.

Maisie I hate the flavor of bananas and always have! As well as their mushiness.

haha, Mrs. Burschman. Actually, I really shouldn't be low on potassium bc I choke a banana down everyday plus two glasses of milk

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Maisie I hate the flavor of bananas and always have! As well as their mushiness.

haha, Mrs. Burschman. Actually, I really shouldn't be low on potassium bc I choke a banana down everyday plus two glasses of milk

I don't like them, either. I only eat them if they're green, because then they have less flavor. Ugh.

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This would probably count as "paresthesia". Seems to have so many possible causes from various conditions to medications. I think in the context of POTS one would figure generally low blood flow (and localized shortages) could be a culprit, but as others have said it can be wise to keep an eye on it and consider testing for other possibilities... including some that could be POTS causers like peripheral neuropathies if there are indications in that direction.

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I get the pricklies too - but mostly in my face/ forehead area. Notice it most when I'm walking. What Erik said about it being BP related makes sense to me as I almost always feel a drop in BP at the same time as the prickles start. My neuro said it is very common in POTS, although arms & legs are the more common places, in his experience. If it's a neuropathy, though, sounds like I should get it checked more thoroughly like some of you have. How do they test this??

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