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Now This Was Interesting!!!!


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I posted about the autonomic muscle testing earlier this week to see if any of you had ever done this and I only got one reply. I had a consultation with a nutritionist/acupuncturist who relies on this type of testing to assess what is going on in the nervous system. Little did I know he was going to do a Heart Rate Variability test! He came in with the results and as we went over them he explained how things looked pretty good when I was lying down but when I stood up there was trouble. Not terrible but not normal. Finally a professional said it appears you have a dysfunction in your autonomic nervous system! Then we did the muscle testing. This was the hardest part for me to "grasp". When it was all over he looked at me and said you have a parasite and we need to get your liver and kidneys working better. A parasite? What the Buck Rogers was he talking about? All I can say is I am thinking it over....long and hard. Some of you may have some negative things to say about this but I would appreciate it if you didn't. Everyone has their own thoughts and right now mine are focused on being positive about ANY possibility of getting better! However if you have something positive to say I would love to hear it! Best wishes for a great evening everyone!

KC :-)

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Hi KC,

Do you think he was speaking literally (i.e. in a western medicine sense)? I occasionally have acupuncture done by an MD, who also references "kidney", "liver" and other organs. But these are based on concepts of energy flow from ancient Chinese medicine. Whether or not the explanations behind these flows are valid, I do believe there is something to it. I don't think that Western medicine has all the answers.

Now, about those parasites. That has me a little baffled. And your "what the buck rogers" comment cracked me up! Perhaps the parasitic reference is also figurative? If you think about it, virus' are parasitic -- and autonomic disorders can often be traced to viral illnesses. I'm not sure.

Regardless of the "why's", how does he propose treating it?


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I use my GP as a gauge anytime I want to explore alternative therapies. He is open minded and helps me a great deal to separate out the snake oil from the cutting edge integrative approaches that are actually showing some promise.

Good luck finding something safe that works for you. I got very sick after working with an accupressurist who used firm (painful) pressure. Sometimes our "special" bodies don't behave in the way people without ANS dysfunction behave and it is not always the case that people in the healing professions have come across enough of us to gauge how to tailor the treatment.

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Hello! Just got back from discussing this whole thing with my hubby. As for some of the questions you guys asked I will just try to explain it how he explained it. As for the parasite he said I could have picked it up from alot of different sources such as in water, food etc. I asked what does a parasite have to do with what is going on in my ANS and he said matter of factly that parasites secrete neuro toxins. So that to me meant it was an actual parasite not just figuratively. He said that my acid reflux is probably not an abundance of acid but the lack of acid. I have heard that before so that wasnt new to me. After it was all said and done he had me taking 8 different supplements to help rid me of the parasite and build back my digestive health. A few are to help the liver and kidney. It is a type of program that he wants you to do. You are coming in each week for about 6 weeks re-testing to see what the body is saying in response to the supplements. It's all very out there for even me...I like homeopathic care but this is really a stretch for me. I was very honest with him when I said it is difficult to put my hope into anything anymore and not to take my skepticism personally! My husband says that this guy makes more sense than any of the "bozos" we've seen and that I should give it a shot since I dont have any other game plans currently. He joked that the worse thing that couldnt happen is I get detoxed and it will be one more thing to check off the "what else is there" list! I will either get a miracle or a squeaky clean digestive track! :(

Thanks for all your input....you guys totally make it sooo much better!


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I use my GP as a gauge anytime I want to explore alternative therapies. He is open minded and helps me a great deal to separate out the snake oil from the cutting edge integrative approaches that are actually showing some promise.

Good luck finding something safe that works for you. I got very sick after working with an accupressurist who used firm (painful) pressure. Sometimes our "special" bodies don't behave in the way people without ANS dysfunction behave and it is not always the case that people in the healing professions have come across enough of us to gauge how to tailor the treatment.

EarthMother- I too had a horrible reaction to acupuncture! I called it accutorture! :( I am also throwing around the idea of taking this to my GP and see what he has to say. I have a feeling he is going to poo-poo it cause it's homeopathic in nature! Thanks for you reply!!

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I went to see a nutritionist for the first time a few weeks ago and she did iridology, which was SPOOKY. She went through all of my organs and described how they function to a tee and even described parts of my personality. I had nooo idea the eyes could tell you so much. She gave me a range of supplements to take, and after three weeks, I actually think I'm feeling consistently better than I was before. More tolerance to light, the adrenaline surges aren't as bad, less irritable, concentrating better (yay!), sleeping better (double yay!) and even standing is easier. I figure that even if it doesn't 'fix' me, having your body in balance and improving digestion can only be a good thing and will ease the stress it's under, which should improve dysauto symptoms. What treatment is he recommending? Let us know how you go!!

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I forgot to ask as well, do you know what triggered your dysutonomia? Is it possible that a parasite/neurotoxin-secreting-little-critter could be part of that? I just say that bc after an insect bite (their venom is a neurotoxin) and treatment with a large dose of antivenom, that was when my health took a turn for the worse

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A friend at my Son's school had some strange symptoms, so they ended up taking her to the ER. :rolleyes: The doc there diagnosed some sort of parasitic worms from dog feces. :o The parents adamantly denied it, since they had always vetted their dog (I know they had.) :blink: They treated her for worms anyway and the doc was correct; she had played with her cousins' stray litter of puppies and picked it up there! <_< She had been out of school for almost a month.

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I forgot to ask as well, do you know what triggered your dysutonomia? Is it possible that a parasite/neurotoxin-secreting-little-critter could be part of that? I just say that bc after an insect bite (their venom is a neurotoxin) and treatment with a large dose of antivenom, that was when my health took a turn for the worse

Hi Sunburnt! My dysauto systems started back in November of last year after two medication changes. I believe the stimulant medication, Ritalin, did it to me or was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back! That's why I asked in one of my earlier posts could a person just start out with a compromised nervous system. When I took the Ritalin which was only 10mg. ,the starting dosage for a child, my body completely freaked out! We were in the ER at 8pm that same night and they were like saying oh it cant be that it would be out of your system etc. Tried to tell me it was a panic attack...No panic attack last for 10 hours people! I was never the same again. For the 1st 4 months I wanted to just cry every second because it was so horrible. And what really ***** is NO ONE understands what you're going through! When I found this site I was like THANK GOD I REALLY NEEDED THIS! Anyhoo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!


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A friend at my Son's school had some strange symptoms, so they ended up taking her to the ER. :P The doc there diagnosed some sort of parasitic worms from dog feces. :o The parents adamantly denied it, since they had always vetted their dog (I know they had.) :blink: They treated her for worms anyway and the doc was correct; she had played with her cousins' stray litter of puppies and picked it up there! <_< She had been out of school for almost a month.


Extremely interesting! Out of curiosity did she have neuro systems? I am still struggling with the parasites thing but even if it just helps me get my digestion issues back on track that will be a very good thing too as they play a big part in all this too!

Thank you!

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Now, it's been a year or so, but what I remember her Mom saying her symptoms were: intestinal upset, nausea, extreme fatigue and headache. The lower extremities rash did not occur until late in the month. The rash is what nailed it. I think it was a fairly common parasitic worm, it was just that few docs see it since most dogs down here are on a worm preventative. Her pediatrician never tested for it, because the parents were so emphatic that their dog was vetted.

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Biofeedback I'm sure has many forms. but usually a person is hooked up to a heart rate monitor or body temperature thermometer(i used either) and then a psychologists helps you learn to relax. So when I would come in I would have a higher heart rate from stress but i laid back in the recliner and the psych would do the whole "you're in a field of flowers in the sun etc" to get me to relax. I would listen to her and focus on relaxing at the same time i could see my heart rate and would focus on getting that number lower. Its just a way for someone to learn to relax so their body relaxes. After several sessions when I would get really stressed out about school I would remember all the things she said and could relax my brain to slow my breathing and heart rate. This was all before POTS and my heart rate was higher but not tachycardia. Does any of that make sense? I have no info on it as a treatment for POTS but rather as a anti-anxiety/relaxation treatment.

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