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Midodrine And Normal/lowish Bp


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Is Midodrine safe to take if your BP is in the normal / lowish range? My BP is usually in the 90/60 to 110/75 range, but can on occasion be normal (120/80).

I'm planning on discussing this with my specialist at my next appointment, but thought I'd ask in the meantime. My understanding is that it is usually given to people with pretty severe hypotension, so am wondering if it would raise it too much in someone with normal-ish BP?

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I think that your doctor is the best person to answer this question for you, but I'm wondering why you want to take Midodrine since your BP is pretty close to normal?



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jana is right, ASK YOUR DOCTOR. Is your BP all day long or are you a big dropper like me? I have certin times when I stand and I'm not hydrated that my BP BOTTOMS OUT ANN MY HEART RATE GOES UP. IT also happens early evening and throughtout the night till morning. We are all so very different, yet so much alike.


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I think your situation is actually pretty typical--many of us have normalish bp until we stand. It's usually our fluctuating bps that make us feel bad. Of course, this needs to be discussed with your doctor. My bp is usually low- normal, but midodrine stops some of the drops. It wasn't enough by itself, so I also take florinef. If you were consistently HYPER tensive, it might not be a good choice.

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I dont want to to take midodrine...(I wish I didnt have to take any medication and could function 'normally' :rolleyes: ), but was just trying to gather some info on it to see if it could be an option down the track to help with the drops in BP.

As I said, I was planning on discussing this with my specialist at my next appointment, just wanted to get some opinions first.

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From what I've heard, anything under 90/60 is considered low BP. They keep bringing the BP range lower, as the majority of the medical field seems to think that numbers this low are still healthy and perhaps desirable. Anyone else heard this?

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From what I've heard, anything under 90/60 is considered low BP. They keep bringing the BP range lower, as the majority of the medical field seems to think that numbers this low are still healthy and perhaps desirable. Anyone else heard this?

when i'm 100 they won't let me stand or take my meds my doc used to want me at 110. now he wants my top number 150. i have to tolerate high BP now being on meds to keep me from falling. I don't wan't to take anything!!!!!! I hate them all, meds that is!


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My dr. just added Midodrine to my pill "cocktail". I too wonder why since my bp bounces around from day to day from 90/50 to as high as 128/80. I did not think to asked while I was at the appt. but I did look it up and it is hard to understand, but does something with the vasoconstriction toning or something. Fatique [extreme!] is probably my worst symptom now and just feeling like I have to lay down after just a few hours of being up, so I wonder why this drug helps, but I am willing to try. Any additional info on what to expect would be appreciatied.

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I wonder if Midodrine would help with low pulse pressure... anyone know? I usually run 95/65 so I don't think they would try midodrine for the low bp, however, I have lots of issues with pulse pressure, where it will be 90/79 and I will feel like death when it does this. Usually always happens when I've been upright for too long.

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