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High Cortisol Levels


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High cortisol can be Cushing's disease. It usually has symptoms such as abdominal fat, extra body hair, purple stretch marks, "moon" shaped face, loss of menstrual periods, and more. Does that sound like you? I myself have had my cortisol levels checked a few times, and on morning in the ER a serum cortisol was high, but none of my urines have been.

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Hello to you... no I have not been checked for Lyme.. It is on my list though, My hubby, mom, dad, brother, nephew, and dog have had it.

Those I know that have had lyme have been suddenly very sick. Even the dog. I have a chronic problem. I am going to be checked for lyme next week but Lyme is caused by a bacteria and I think I would be better off but more actutely sick with lyme.

I do have really High Cortisol. I assumed it was from hyperadergenic (sorry about the spelling I have a mental block) POTS. It is a stress hormone and as my hair is falling out I will admit that hyperadrenic POTS is very stressful! Sorry if this does not make sense... I am not having a great day but I know what I mean to say! Kari

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I always run on the high side on the cortisol levels so to rule everything out we did a cortisol stimulation test recently and man oh man what a potsie flare did it put me into!!!

I'm treated for lyme all the time just to make sure I don't have it as my guy is a real DOG! The best guy ever `:( we've been through thick and thin together.

we're two of of a kind... I'll love him forever and always! As lyme doesn't always show up positive, we treat and see if I'm any better.


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Cortisol is released when your body is under stress. Unless you have cushing's, my thought would be that your elevation is the result of your POTS, rather than the cause of it. Cortisol levels are also elevated in individuals with depression or anxiety conditions. Have you had serial cortisol levels checked throughout the day? Is your pm cortisol also elevated? Cortisol levels can also appear falsely elevated when you are taking certain medications, so this is something to consider as well. I is especially common and overlooked in people on some form of birth control or hormone therapy. I have tested negative for Lyme's disease several times.

~ Broken_Shell :(

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