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Help, I Can't Eat!

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So I'm not sure if it's autonomic related or not but...for the past few days to the past couple of weeks, I have had a terrible tightness in my chest. It's not heartburn. It's not GERD. It's not acid reflux.

When I eat, especially things with bread in them such as crackers, pop tarts, bread, etc, I get very swollen feeling around where my gallbladder is. It hurts so bad that I cry out and arch because I have to lay down and in about fifteen to thirty minutes it passes, but it's like a rock going through me, from my breastbone down into my stomach and on.

Most of the time when I eat what I can eat, which seems to be the greasier the better (ie I hardly eat fast food but lately Happy Meals have been what I have had for my meal a day) I immediately have to go to the bathroom. It's usually runny and fast but not painful. I feel like a toddler. I eat small meals because of the swelling painful feeling in my gallbladder. It's not sharp, but like a heavy feeling of no room where everything gets hot and even my kidneys hurt. If I keep the meals small and oily\cheesy\liquid then the pain isn't so bad. If there's bread or dryness in there, God help me.

I have no fever, no chills, no vomiting. Nothing in the stool, no blood or undigested food. Obviously if I go to the doctor they'll say there's nothing they can do. But I was in such pain today I was crying. This has got to stop. Please help. Everyone else I have asked that I live around just says, "Oh, I wish there was something I could do". But doesn't do anything.

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If you have figured it out to flour products, see about getting checked for Celiac. It can cause abdominal pain, too.

Of just TRY a Gluten Free diet. Many web sites about this and even online shopping sites if you don't have GF items in your stores. The breads/dessert things can be pricey but just try using more rice and potatoes in place of bread. Easy to find shopping list of foods to avoid as well.

Might want to run this by your doctor but it's something you can try on your own. My sister knows of a lady who is not celiac but FEELS better when she avoids gluten..it's like a wheat intolerance but not Celiac...

As far as Celiac itself goes, many symptoms of Celiac besides lower GI distress.

You may want to examine gall bladder stuff too.

Good luck

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If you have figured it out to flour products, see about getting checked for Celiac. It can cause abdominal pain, too.

Of just TRY a Gluten Free diet. Many web sites about this and even online shopping sites if you don't have GF items in your stores. The breads/dessert things can be pricey but just try using more rice and potatoes in place of bread. Easy to find shopping list of foods to avoid as well.

Might want to run this by your doctor but it's something you can try on your own. My sister knows of a lady who is not celiac but FEELS better when she avoids gluten..it's like a wheat intolerance but not Celiac...

As far as Celiac itself goes, many symptoms of Celiac besides lower GI distress.

You may want to examine gall bladder stuff too.

Good luck

Well, I woke up last night, took a drink of water, and about died. So its not just wheat. It's things that make my tummy swell. I can drink coke and burp and be just fine. Obviously I can't just drink coke or I'll dehydrate.

The question now, of course, is since it isn't emergency serious, do I go to the urgent clinic or the emergency room?

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My opinion is that you get yourself some help ASAP. If you can't even drink water, and you're in that much pain, something's WRONG. Please go to urgent care or the emergency room, and let us know what happens. There are several things it could be, and you may need immediate attention. Also...I sure hope the only thing you're eating for an entire day isn't a Happy Meal, is it?

My best,


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My opinion is that you get yourself some help ASAP. If you can't even drink water, and you're in that much pain, something's WRONG. Please go to urgent care or the emergency room, and let us know what happens. There are several things it could be, and you may need immediate attention. Also...I sure hope the only thing you're eating for an entire day isn't a Happy Meal, is it?

My best,


Well, I did go. I was there all morning. I have a kidney infection and possible gallstones. Also, my tummy is spasming in pain so he gave me antibiotics, belladonna phenobarbital, and nexium. On Tuesday I have an upper GI and an ultrasound scheduled. I was talking to the lady at the pharmacy and she said she just had her gallbladder removed and had the same symptoms, and low and behold, just like me had been on a diet and suddenly lost twenty pounds. Apparently, sudden weight loss like that can cause gallstones.

I didn't know that. So that might be my problem. I have taken the antibiotic and just now the belladonna elixir. It was only slighty more tasty than what I imagine the stinky organic plant food to be. XD

But I am feeling a bit better. I don't feel quite so whiny now that I know something is actually wrong and it wasn't just me making things up. I guess all these autonomic issues make me gunshy to go to the doctor no matter what.

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I am glad you are feeing betterr. Yes...I do think that all these autonomic problems do make us gun shy to go to the docs. I really get afraid they will think I am crazy. What a shame right? I feel so ill most of the time...feel like I am dying...but I am burned out on docs...so I just won't go and/or complain to them.


It gets worse as the day goes on so hopefully between the medicine and the tests on Tuesday they can get something found and fixed. The only problem is I can't have picked a worse time. My supervisor and partner at work is on vacation this week! XD Which means when I'm gone, no one is there. So when they do the tests I won't be there and if they decide to do surgery I won't be there either! But hopefully recovery time isn't too bad so I can be back at work in no time...

...then I'll be the one needing a vacation!

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Just a quick FYI: If you do have a gallbladder issue and they take it out, you'll probably do an outpatient and not have to stay overnight, but it's pretty painful for at least the first couple of days if not a week or so. You have to be very careful to eat bland foods for awhile, and you may not feel like going back to work for a week or more. I sure hope that's not it, but just want to let you know how it can be if it is your GB.

Best of luck, and keep us informed!


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Just a quick FYI: If you do have a gallbladder issue and they take it out, you'll probably do an outpatient and not have to stay overnight, but it's pretty painful for at least the first couple of days if not a week or so. You have to be very careful to eat bland foods for awhile, and you may not feel like going back to work for a week or more. I sure hope that's not it, but just want to let you know how it can be if it is your GB.

Best of luck, and keep us informed!


I read about that last night. I only have a week or so of PTO so it'll have to be a couple days and back to work, unfortunately. I did it for the tonsils, I can do it for the galbladder. XD

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So I had my tests today, but I won't know the results of the ultrasound and upper GI until tomorrow or so. I do know, though, because I was watching and talking to the radiologist, that there were polyps on the gallbladder. I knew the dots were abnormal because she was putting arrows and crosshairs on them and I know that means they're marking them for review.

"So what are those thingies you're marking? Are those the stones?"

"...no. No, those are polyps..."


She also marked the study, "2 polyps with no motility" which I think means no movement, right?

I'm not sure how big they are since I'm not good with estimates. I know they are probably the reason I'm hurting because they are in the same spots I've been hurting. Also, I'm not sure if they found stones. It was hard to see anything on the squishy GI. The liquid just zipped right through on the x-rays and started squirting on through my stomach like it couldn't wait to go through.

All day aside from the heavy food I can eat such as potatoes, it's been eat and then run to the bathroom. It goes out that fast. Not sure if that's the gallbladder or the autonomic dysfunction...

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