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Symptoms - Abdominal (non-digestive System) Cramping, Etc.?


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My 28 year old daughter underwent an exploratory procedure last week to find the cause of her abdominal pain (similar to severe menstrual cramps) and everything was normal. She is frustrated because she has been having an array of symptoms for several years and has gone to several doctors in search of an explanation and relief. Prior to the procedure my daughter's physician stopped to give her a little pre-op information. The biggest point she wanted to make was that even though she was going to do the procedure to rule out any obvious abnormality that after reviewing her file again she was almost positive that she had Dysautonomia and wanted to refer her to a specialist. Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather because this physician knew nothing about my medical history and I have Dysautonomia. I had thought for a while that her symptoms seemed to be that of Dysautonomia, but could never reconcile her abdominal pain as a symptom of Dysautonomia. Yes, I know we have digestive issues, but since I had a full hysterectomy years ago I wasn't sure if abdominal cramps (non-digestive system) were a symptom of Dysautonomia. My questions are: Does anyone know if this type of symptom is a symptom of Dysautonomia? Does anyone know if Dysautonomia is hereditary?

Thanks so much!

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My non-medical answer is, yes, gut dysmotility can be a product of a malfunctioning ANS.

For your information, if we have issues with gut motility, we may also have Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, which can cause cramping and diarrhea. You can be tested for this by a GI doc and the test is a hydrogen breath test.

I say all the above because when I reminded my GI doctor of my autonomic nervous system issues, he put two and two together and had me tested for SIBO.

My take on it is you can treat the SIBO short term with antibiotics, but since the gut dysmotility is permanent (as far as I know), the GI problems can and will resurface.

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Yes, sometimes dysautonomia can be hereditary. My mom and I both have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. I've had problems with abdominal pain and reflux since my teens, and as my POTS symptoms have worsened over the past 2 years I have worsening nausea, abdominal pain, cramps, constipation, etc. I'm 36 and should have seen a GI doc a long time ago, but will finally see one next month. She specializes in treating SIBO also. I had a motility study done at Mayo and have a very slow small bowel. I'm not sure how it will go at the GI appt, because I don't know how knowledgeable she is regarding neuropathic dysmotility. But she has a reputation of trying to find a solution for every patient so here I go!

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I get non digestion-related abdominal cramps, mainly in my pelvic area (which are also not PMS, but feel like PMS.) I don't know where they come from or why, but they're periodic. Before I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia I went for a pelvic ultrasound but the Doctors could find nothing there that would justify the pain. I was told by my neurologist when I was diagnosed with dysautonomia that it could have been the bacterial overgrowth from my intestines spreading to parts of my pelvic area, a bit like endometriosis? I haven't followed it up from a dysautonomia perspective because I haven't had a flare of it recently, but I will do if it comes back.


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My brother had gastroparesis, which meant his stomach didn't empty. He had horrible stomach pain and lost a ton of weight. He's almost six feet tall and got down to 140 pounds. It took a while for him to get diagnosed. He took small doses of amitryptiline, a tricyclic antidepressant, and it eventually seemed to get better on its own.

I'm convinced that he also has dysautonomia, just to a lesser degree than I have.

I have gut pain, but it is related to my digestive system.


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