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  1. This sounds similar to what I have sometimes...but mine is a little different. Sometimes if I'm standing I just start leaning to the left and if I don't catch myself....I actually fall sideways. The most embarrassing part of this is if it happens when I'm walking........it comes on with no notice........and I start staggering to the left (like I'm totally drunk or something).... and it doesn't stop until I hit the ground. Its like everything happening in slow motion....and then boom....I'm on the ground. Its bad when it happens in a public place....lol.
  2. My 28 year old daughter underwent an exploratory procedure last week to find the cause of her abdominal pain (similar to severe menstrual cramps) and everything was normal. She is frustrated because she has been having an array of symptoms for several years and has gone to several doctors in search of an explanation and relief. Prior to the procedure my daughter's physician stopped to give her a little pre-op information. The biggest point she wanted to make was that even though she was going to do the procedure to rule out any obvious abnormality that after reviewing her file again she was almost positive that she had Dysautonomia and wanted to refer her to a specialist. Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather because this physician knew nothing about my medical history and I have Dysautonomia. I had thought for a while that her symptoms seemed to be that of Dysautonomia, but could never reconcile her abdominal pain as a symptom of Dysautonomia. Yes, I know we have digestive issues, but since I had a full hysterectomy years ago I wasn't sure if abdominal cramps (non-digestive system) were a symptom of Dysautonomia. My questions are: Does anyone know if this type of symptom is a symptom of Dysautonomia? Does anyone know if Dysautonomia is hereditary? Thanks so much!
  3. I just got a call from Dr. Thompson's office. He's back! Yay!!!
  4. I've had problems off and on all weekend.
  5. I am a new member to this forum and would first like to say how informative and interesting I have found the postings to be. I have learned more here in the last two days than I have since my diagnosis in 2002. However, I do have a great physician, and I do not mean to diminish the excellent care he has given me by that comment. That having been said I was curious as to whether anyone else here might have an autoimmune disorder along with their Dysautonomia. I was wondering if it was somehow related. Thank you.
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