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I Hate Gatorade


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I just wanted to tell everyone that I ordered nuun online. I am so sick of Gatorade that I have just been drinking salt water (gross I know). Anyway I wanted something low cal without artificial sweetners b/c they seem to make my headaches worse. Anyway nuun is portable and comes in lots of flavors. have any of you tried this of another product that you might suggest? I am so inactive that I don't want to drink my calories!!!

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I STARTED OUT ON SALT AND WATER and when they neuro told me i was so dry and to start gatorade tons of it a day, i loved it! in the past i never could stomach it. now I try to go half water and half gatorade. now this was on being hydrated once a week i was still very, very, dry. now were at 2 times a week. i really don't wan't to eat much as i get very sick these days. thristy all the time. ;)


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Thanks for posting about Nuun. I also hate Gatorade with a vengeance - I've been drinking the G2 formula - but these Nuun tablets look like a great alternative. I have a Summit Hut about 2 miles from my house, so I think I'll stop and pick some up to try. If anyone else has used them already, please let us know how they are.



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I just bought some Nuun on the way to workout today, and used it at the gym. I liked it much better than Gatorade. You get 12 tablets (1 tablet for 16 oz H2O), which you just drop into your water bottle and let break down for 2 minutes. Much lighter than Gatorade, without that medicine-like aftertaste, and only 5 calories per serving. It gives you all of the electrolytes you need. I tried the Tri-Berry, and I'm going to order more.

Good news, and thanks, Kayjay, for bringing it up!


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I can't tolerate the sorbitol side effects. when your drinking gallons every day and you have irritable bowel or your a diabetic watch out!



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The only reason I'm concerned is sorbitol, was I thought it was a wonderful thing or so we thought when I worked for the american diabetes association. It began showing up in everything, we were happy at first, something natural???? Then everyone started getting sick, the revenge was called diabetic revenge diarrhea. i tried it and sure enough REVENGE! Even from 2 hard candies.

I listed some great products under what vitamins do you take? The Drink is great and comes in packets. Great breakfast drinks also. Right now the hospital has me on ensure mixed with milk on the blender, fruit when I can tolerate it. Then gatorade with water, water , water.

Here's a make your own:

Sports drink recipe from “Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook”

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup orange juice

1/4 cup hot water

2 tablespoons lemon juice

3 1/2 cups cold water

In a quart pitcher, dissolve the sugar and salt in the hot water. Add the remaining ingredients and the cold water. The drink contains about 50 calories and 110 mg of sodium per 8 ounces, approximately the same as for most sports drinks. Cut the sugar if you want less calories.


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BellaMia thanks so much for the recipe for the nutrition sport drink. I tried it today and it went well. I can't drink gaterade it has too much sugar and will actually make me sick. That's what I love about this forum. As we work together sharing our knowledge we can help others improve. I did put less sugar in and it still tasted fine.


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I drink chicken broth or vegetable broth with no msg or yeast extract. You can buy good quality broth at Trader Joes or whole foods. Hey - I haven't had a cold in 3 years - must be all that chicken broth! For any of you who have bladder problems - gatorade is a no no and so is any artiticial sweetner. Learned that the hard way......

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Long live the 80's!!! Try Gookinaid/Vitalyte too! I used to live near Dr. Gookin so it's sentimental to me, like the San Diego Chicken... but might be handy for others. Here's a discussion and home-brew option like the good ones others have already mentioned (I like the idea of "No Salt" as a cheap potassium source). Of course, be cautious to get good proportion since electrolytes are so important.

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I just wanted to tell everyone that I ordered nuun online. I am so sick of Gatorade that I have just been drinking salt water (gross I know). Anyway I wanted something low cal without artificial sweetners b/c they seem to make my headaches worse. Anyway nuun is portable and comes in lots of flavors. have any of you tried this of another product that you might suggest? I am so inactive that I don't want to drink my calories!!!

I drink both nuun and Gatorade, depending on what I'm doing. I'll drink nuun around the house, in bed, where ever, but I drink Gatorade when I'm at work, class, or the very rare occasion I'm out with friends - usually only one bottle, though. After that one bottle on work days, I alternate water or nuun with caffeinated beverages, it seems to raise my blood pressure and make me slightly less dizzy and fall over less. (I'm more NCS than POTS, though, so what works for me might not help you guys much.)

I'm a student, so my only real job options are fast food or retail, and I'm going with fast food. I really wish I could have a job sitting down, but it's not really an option as a student. As if the dizzyness and confusion weren't bad enough, whenever I 'fall down,' everyone looks at me like I'm trying to get attention or get out of work early, even though I've never left early the whole time I've been there. ;)

The tubes say to put 1 tablet for 16oz water (~500ml), but I find many of the flavours more palatable if I break the tablet in half (they come with break-marks) and only use half for a ~500ml glass or bottle of water.

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This sounds worth a try for my son since I found out that the high niacin content in G2 has vaso dilation effects. I read about the Nuun and it has more sodium than gatorade as well. The Gatorade focus has the most sodium but still 7 g of sugar/serving.

If you were a child, would you like nuun?? LOL. Just Kidding. Has anyone let a child in their life taste it? If so what did they think?

Where is the cheapest place to buy on line or in a store?

Thanks for the info everyone.


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Hi Serena,

I didn't notice any price breaks buying it online. I bought it at a Summit Hut (it's also available at REI and other camping/sports stores), and it was $6.50 for a tube of 12 tablets. 1 tablet to 16 oz of water. You may want to try breaking one tab in half, if the taste is too much for your son. I've only tried the tri-berry so far, which I liked, and I used 1 tab to 16 oz water.



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When I first started drinking gatorade I did not really like it but I like the grape flavor best (they call it fierce on the bottle). I know what you mean about the weight gain though, because I used to drink only water, and just try to eat healthy, but I gained about ten pounds in the past year since being diagnosed. I am trying to alternate one gatorade then one water. When I tried all water I felt really dizzy by the second day. I had never heard of nunn but I may look for it or try online.

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Just had some NUUN last couple days. I'm likin' it. Subtle taste. (I even tried the Orange Ginger with milk & whey protein which was good).

I'm getting a nice "constant salivation feeling" that I get after a couple intravenous salines (maybe the glands are happy with overall balance and being more loose with secretions).

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