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Anyone Have Swine Flu With Pots?

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This topic has come up in the recent past a couple of times, so you should be able to search for it by 'swine flu'. It seems that some of us get colds/flu more easily and have a tougher time with it than others. Some say they hardly ever catch anything since they've been diagnosed, so it's up in the air. Of course you'd want to use common sense and do all of the hand washing and other healthy habits to keep yourself from getting run down and possibly sick.



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I don't think that we are more at risk than the general population but you could use a POTS diagnosis as a leaver to get Tamiflu if you are unlucky enough to catch swine flu.

I think that the biggest issue we would face would be dehydration from having a temperature and / or diarrhoea. I have bought some dioralyte sachets and loperamide capsules along with paracetamol and ibuprofen to keep in the cupboard at home in case I am unlucky enough to catch it.

I haven't stopped going out or changed my day-to-day activities. I'm just being extra careful about hand hygiene and pushing doors open with my feet or elbows to avoid touching the handles.


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I hate to say this, but I was down 3 weeks with a combination of this flu and bronchitis. It was H O R R I B L E! For those of us on Florinef, take as many extra precautions as you can. And, I don't mean to panic you- but be PROACTIVE.

The first 3 days I was worried that I would die (Utah is the second highest in death rate) and the next three days I was worried that I wouldn't die. I remember bits of lying on the floor crying to my Mom who basically moved in to help me. Don't worry, I got through it though and so can you.

I am not kidding when I say to leave immediately any place where people are coughing if you are on Florinef. As soon as you have any symptoms, be seen and don't settle for a Stat Test. They are 50-80% inaccurate and Tamilflu has a 72 hour window of effectiveness. While I had this, three people died just miles from me and all three had multiple negative results from the Stat test. This experience has changed the way I value anything. If I hear coughing, I am out the door! Do not get run down, do not touch your nose unless you have washed your hands. If you have to be in a public place and cannot leave- get a mask on. They are free at every clinic and hospital.

Again, I don't want to panic anyone but this flu definately made POTS worse. There is no question about it. I want to be very direct with you. The mistake I made was when the sore throat and fatigue started, I ignored it and ran around shopping the next day and got even more worn out (not to mention probably exposing other people), then it hit an I had nothing in the way of preparedness. I had no physiological reserves, I had nothing to help me at home.

FYI Here is my list of what I needed and what I wish I had when it hit:

Cough drops that numb your throat

Pediasure Liquid

Warm Mist Humidifier with distilled water (plenty of) My Cold Mist Humidifier made me feel much, much worse.

Pediasure popsicles

Sleeping aid (don't take these without checking w your MD, but I just wanted to be knocked out)

Stuff for nausea like saltines and bananas/applesauce and bread

Fluids like G2, Gatorade, etc.

Canned Soups and broths- instant stuff. Don't think you can make Ramen, you can't stand nearly that long)

Loads of soft foods that are easy to eat and did not contain garlic or anything like that. Hot Cereal, donuts, that type of stuff.

I had compazine and zofran- I was lucky in that. Compazine suppositories would have been lovely.

Peppermint life savers

mandarin oranges and small cups of cold, soft fruit

Boxes of microwaveable veggies, or access to warm, soft veggies and noodles

Orange Juice

Phone numbers of 24 hour pharmacies

Interestingly enough, my first line defense was dayquil/nitequil and it had absolutely no effect. I think the total duration of the flu itself was 10 days. My best advice is to stay down and don't try to even sit up for too long. You have to ride this out and getting weak all over again doesn't help. I made the mistake of trying to build strength too soon and I got whaped with a horrible form of bronchitits that wouldn't respond to anything.

I hope this helps. I made alot of mistakes that I hope may help someone. Get care quickly and that will make a big difference, also let people around you help you.


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