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New Symtpom That Is Problematic - Various Parts Of Body Painful In Am

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For the last few weeks, I've been waking up very sore. Not the sore from not moving much at night/mattress issues/etc. But this is deep muscle pain in my arms, legs, etc. It hits various spots too!

I experience the worst of this for the first hour or two each day, but do get random 'pains' throughout the day.

What could this be? What can I do about it? Hurting this much for no reason is ridiculous.

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I hate to tell you....you are sining my song. I thought I had fibro in addition to POTS...but I don't think I do. I just hurt. and yes...like you are describng it. I wake up hurting many days....I am pretty sure I have posted this as well. When I was trying to work it was just ridiculous.....I felt like someone had hit me with a baseball bat in the morning!!

Sorry...I don't have any answers...somedays are better than others. Alas...it is mostly corresponding with activity level....like what I stried to pull off the day before. BUT sometimes after I get moving for a little while it is better....like a circulatory thing.

Good luck.


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I have the same type of pain you described. Last year I told my doc that my arms ache all the time. I told her it got worse whenever my arms were lowered and I wondered if it was a circulatory issue. But regardless, the days when my POTS is more at bay my pain level is much less. I've been working with a PT for back pain and haven't made much progress. A few weeks ago, I was on a med that made me retain water and my POTS symptoms overall were 50% improved. I also noticed that my back and radiating pains were 95% improved... just from retaining water? Hmmm, I think it has to do with POTS. But yes, my back, arms, legs, neck, head, basically everywhere hurts all the time but gets worse under circumstances that make my POTS worse (stress, heat, fatigue, etc).

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On the one hand, I'd rather it not be Fibro. On the other hand, it ***** this has to be a possible POTS symptom!

I hurt so bad when I get up...I have to make myself get up and move. Once I'm up and about a couple hours I'd say the pain goes down about 80% on average. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but usually about 80% better.

I guess it is a POTS thing with our circulation (who knows what is going on). As it improves as I move...and for you guys somewhat too...it sounds like it's our ANS symptoms waking up?

What pill were you on that retained water? Maybe I should ask to give that one a try if it's safe with my other meds. I am learning to deal with fatigue, but the pain is horrid. And I need to start working soon and at this rate I'll be in pain getting ready and have to get up early just to get things flowing correctly.

Thanks for making me feel better in that it might "just" be POTS!

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OK I am going to try this again...geezz..lost my first response.

YES...lets sing along together. I get these quarter size pains for last few years..that last many months. It was so bad my PCP thought it might be a bone tumor. The 2 rheumatologists I saw ruled out fibromyalgia after 2 neuros thought it was fibro.

OK whatever the NAME is..it hurts and limits my ability to use my arms.

AND.. every once in awhile I get that same neuro type pain in my BLADDER. It feels just like a UTI starting with urgency..frequency but NO infection..just the PAIN..then it goes away in about 2 days. Go figure.

If I stretch..even gently...I pay for it for days and weeks with terrible sore pain..and inability to use that part of my arms etc.

I was given Lyrica by the neuro who thought it was fibro..but for some reason did not like it..or didnt think it touched the pain.

Good luck in finding out..


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My 12 yr old son has POTS and he started complaining of the same pain that you are describing ever since he got back from summer camp and his symptoms got worse. I thought it was temporary but his cardio said that it was from the POTS and it hasn't stopped since. I HATE the changing symptoms of this condition-it *****.

It's much worse in the morning. He told me that if he stretches before he gets out of bed in the AM it helps a little bit.

It is definitely worse (requiring motrin and tylenol) if he does any activity outside of the house the day before. It was very limiting for him some days - it's seemed like arthritis of the muscles - in a 12 yr old??

It has gotten less frequent with increased salt and fluid intake as well. We count his sodium very closely to achieve his doctor's recomended 6,000mg/day. If he is non compliant or too active he suffers from these pains the next day.

Hope this helps.

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I think I notice an increase in pain and not enough fluids/salt, come to think of it. The last few days I've been more 'thirsty' so not getting enough done (I do get so tired of drinking...I justify my coffee as a Latte - Milk + Caffeine so at least I'm getting some hydration).

I'll try stretching in bed. What an awful situation for a 12-year-old. I'll let you know how it goes and thank him for the tip and be sure to let him know he's not alone.

Now I find it very weird POTS can mimic Fibro so much. :/ And the pains...they are quarter sized. I know what you mean. And they pop around here there and everywhere, but concentrate in my legs/arms. It's sort of like menstrual pains in my limbs!

I have to pay full price for any non-generic RX so if it's not Fibro (which it probably isn't) I guess I'll skip trying Lyrica for now and see how stretching, better fluids, and even Advil help at its worst. I really hope this is a passing phase as it hasn't shown its head in the past 18 months!

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I was on Clomid for infertility... so not really a POTS cure!

Another thing that helps my leg aches quite a bit is my compression hose! I've even thought about getting arm compression, and maybe gloves because my hands hurt so much.

I have used Neurontin and Lyrica at various times with pretty good pain relief from them. But they made me spacey and slowed my GI tract WAY too much! I wish we knew more about this symptom. My doc just kind of looks askance at me when I mention my pains. Ibuprofen does help somewhat at least.

Please anyone who has suggestions, let us know!

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