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Now Do Any Of You Get Hiccups For Days On Ends?

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Any of you get fits of hiccups?

I don't get them all the time, but when they happen, THEY HAPPEN!

Once, I had them in the middle of surgery and the thought I was having a seizure.

They went on for weeks.

Like I said when I get them I get them, and they hurt and can be loud.

Anyone else out there <_<

Don't hold your breath now!

Blessings and :wub:,


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Oh my gosh! I am so happy you posted about this. I get them a LOT too. I just had them yesterday, and they hurt, and I kind of feel like I am suffocating with them. My husband said something to me about them the other day, because I was nearly fainting with each one! I know everyone gets hiccups, but I just wonder if maybe we get them more, or worse, due to the diaphragm maybe dysfunctioning! Don't know...but it's a thought. After you have them is the area of your diaphragm really sore?


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:blink: And just when you think there gone HIC they start right back up again :wub: .People start looking at you if your out. You try all the known and cures and none help. My mom is 89 and would tell me as a child they were from lack of sleep. :blink: I think she was on to something.

BellaMia~ <_<

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Yeah, when I get hiccups they seem to go on forever. Or I get them, they go away, and have another bout an hour later for a few minutes, and have this all day long every couple of hours. I tend to get them more after eating, and after having "gulped" excessive amounts of air into my system.

I think before I had read that hiccups can be due to iron deficiency, and after my recent discovery of my super low ferritin levels, I wonder if this may be part of it? (See my recent post on ferritin level- mine was 3, and "normal" should be at least 60.)


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Dear Bella~

I also get hiccups sometimes that are so loud I can't believe they're coming out of my body! They usually only last for about 10-15 minutes, but I think in my case they're caused by swallowing too much air when I eat...I usually try to hold my breath, and eventually, that usually works (or I pass out, whatever comes first - either way, problem solved!) just joking...



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