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Ever Had Abnormal Blood Clotting Times


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As far as I know, blood pooling should not cause an abnormal clotting time. Was it your PT that was prolonged? Mack's mom just posted about her son having abnormal bleeding and there was a lengthy discussion on the post about chronic GI issues causing vitamin K deficiency which can prolong PT (prothrombin time) and INR.

Was the clotting time just slightly prolonged? Did your doctor ever follow up on it?

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It was slightly off if I remember correctly the normal range was up to 32 or 33 mine was 34 and they did repeat it 2 more times 12 weeks apart and it was normal . It was just a curiosity since I now have the circulation problems .

Thanks Mae

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Hi Mae,

clotting times aren't related to blood pooling. I wouldn't worry about your result having been slightly high. The lab reference range is the numbers that most healthy people get, 5% of healthy people will have readings outside that range so being only slightly high isn't a problem. You can also be reassured that it came back to normal. Sometimes different meds or foods can change clotting times or even having a virus.


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Hi Pat ,

I also have fluctuating elevated to normal liver enzymes. Its not extremely elevated but it happens often I take no meds and I did have an ultrasound of liver and it was normal so who know (like everything else I never get an answer)


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