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"organic Acids" Urine Test

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has anyone had this done? i had one done recently and a few things were a little high and some were in the higher bit of normal.

what kind of specialist can interpret these results?

does anyone know anything about this test? has anyone had this test? should i be worried if some things are a little high?

I forgot to add thiss is the test that looks at bacterial dysbiosis markers, yesast fungal diabosis markers, citric acid cycle metabolites, ketone fatty acid metabolites, neuro transmitter matabolites.

even if some one could point to info on the net for help with interpereting results ive had a big search and cant find anything too helpful

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Guest tearose

How did you do this testing if you were not using a specialist?

Please don't try to self test with those over the counter kits. You are better off working with someone who will be able to accurately diagnosis findings.

Also, urine changes with things that have dyes, for example so someone specializing in the area will help you figure out real concerns from anomalies.

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no i didnt self test!

my gp ordered this test but my Gp is not sure of how to interpret them....so my gp is sending me off to an endocrinologist.

now im not sure even if this is the endos field.....my appointment is for 3 months....i dont want to wait the 3 months and then have him tell me he doesnt know how to intepret them!

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Guest tearose

How frustrating! Do you have to wait three months??? Isn't there another endo you could see?

It is terrible when we wonder and wait for so long. It would be nice knowing if there was a way to feel better NOW. You have to wait three months!

I hope you can at least be put on a waiting list for early appointments. Sometimes people will cancel and there will be an opening.

hang in there

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Did you have this test done through a naturopath or traditional doctor? I had this test ordered my both, and neither said much about it. It sounded like there was only a concern if the values were either very low or very high. Hope that helps. I know it is frustrating, especially after you paid for the test!

~ Broken_Shell :)

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i had it done by a traditional DR. the values that were high were only slightly high.

though i had one value that was 0-2.0 range and i got 2.9 i think thats a significant high since the range is so low?

Broken shell- was this the test that tested for 30 something different things?

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Hi Ana,

Yes, this test checked for at least 30 different things. Mine was ordered by a neurologist and had a few abnormalities, but he said that they didn't fit a pattern for a known disease. I was disappointed, because like you, relative to the normal range I thought a few of my values might have meant something, but the doctor didn't really seem to make much of it. He was a knowledgable and experienced doctor too, so I don't think that was the issue. I hope you get some answers. Keep us posted if you find anything out.

~ Broken_Shell :)

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