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I have low LH, FsH, Estradiol, and really low Testosterone. Anybody else? Why would POTS do this? When I asked about it at Vandy, Dr. B said that POTS won't cause hormone problems, but that hormone problems can exacerbate POTS. Have any of you had a cause found? It is not early menopause or PCOS--they tested for that.

Any successful treatments?

My OB/GYN put me on hormone replacement and WOW! B) what a difference!

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I don't think I've had any of my hornones checked, but sure would like to find out if a hormone could make a difference. What hormones were you put on?


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I don't think I've had any of my hornones checked, but sure would like to find out if a hormone could make a difference. What hormones were you put on?


I had several months worth of hormone testing, once a week, every week, same time of day for LH, FsH, Estradiol, Progesterone and Testosterone. All were low and showed atypical order and no "peak." My OB/GYN put me on EstraTest (estrogen and testosterone.) My libido and functional ability (you can really read into that) VASTLY improved and I actually felt my age again instead of like an old eunuch. My husband and I are much happier now...I'm not suggesting he get a mistress and he's not suggesting a divorce!

Sometimes, you don't realize what it was you are missing if it has been that long.

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I am glad it has made so much of a difference for you! I'm sitting here laughing out loud. Litterally! I have a picture in my head of you and your husband like the little cartoon characatures. First with your backs turned to each other tapping your feet angrily, then add hormone, and walla....you got the little hearts floating over your heads!! I'm so happy you found something that helps so much. At least I will understand if I don't see you around as much!!!! ha ha! :rolleyes:


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I know that I have low testosterone, but I haven't been tested for other hormone issues. I, too, have some of the same problems that you might have been experiencing with your husband. Did your PCP do these tests? I'd like to have them done, also.

Thanks and glad you're happier now~


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I've got low testosterone too. Everything else seems ok though - but we are going to be supplementing my testosterone soon I think and I am encouraged to hear your results. That's what I'm hoping for!

Have you noticed any difference in ANY of your POTS symptoms since you started the treatment?

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I am new to this forum but I believe that I have POTs. Many of my hormone levels have been low as well as my adrenal and thyroid hormones. I think these could all effect POTs.

At one point I took high doses of the "pregnancy estrogen", estriol. It helped my blood vessel and inflammation issues vastly. I also had tons more energy. I believe that this estrogen modulated my nervous system and regulated things better. I stopped taking it bc I was too scared to take such high doses for a long time. I might start again at some point

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That's funny what you said about the cartoon characters, it actually was kinda like that! :P We were both quite amazed at the difference. All of a sudden, it was like we were newlyweds again! I had forgotten what it was like to actually enjoy that part of being married! (I had some functional issues as well as just didn't want to or need to or even think about it...) The first couple weeks, my husband was really tired, happy, but tired. ;)

It made me really mad at my old PCP. I had brought this up to him years ago and he said that it was a normal part of aging, that I should try relaxing or getting drunk! :rolleyes:

As far as the POTS goes, yes, I've had improvement in my symptoms. I had gained 6 pounds of water weight which evened out the swings in my BP and my energy level increased a little. I know it was water since I lost it within the first week of coming off the Estratest for my ANS testing at Vandy.

On the flip side, I am getting some extra hair growth under my chin, but I am keeping it plucked. My OB/GYN might dial back on the testosterone part, I don't know yet.

The sexual component of dysautonomia is so male oriented! If your husband "has a problem," it is a major issue that needs to be looked into. If it is the wife, she's just stressed, or not in the mood, or needs to relax, or blah..blah..blah.

I thank God for my OB/GYN every night, he is such a good doctor. He was one of the two who knew that what I was going through was not "normal" and urged me to continue looking for a real diagnosis. He also recommended my current, wonderful PCP.

If you have one doctor that you trust and has been correct with your medical care when no one else seems to care, ASK THAT DOCTOR for a referral to a "good" doctor. It might put you on the road toward a correct dx and better quality of life!

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