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Considering A Seat Cane - Some Questions

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I've thought about the wheelchair thread and think I'd like to try a seat cane. I found this one online - anyone familiar with it?


I shouldn't worry about looks, I know. I have never been judgmental of disabled people (and helpful when I can). I think everyone has a right to get out and enjoy their lives no matter what it takes. Of course not everyone is like this (but people really shouldn't be like that, you never! know! what's around the corner).

How hard is it to get these into say, faire's and events? Should I carry a doctor note saying it's required? Security is so much more stict nowadays. But I think this could open new opportunities for me to get out to flea markets, faire's, antiquing, etc. Stuff I love but have stopped. I want to try again. Sometimes I think the only way to get better is to try and live my life.

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I've never had a problem with security. Usually I just get comments from people about how they'd like one! I had one like the one shown in your picture, but it eventually collapsed on me at a very inopportune moment. I'm significantly under the weight limit, so it shouldn't have. I've since gotten a four-legged one. It's a little heavier, but sturdier. I highly recommend them! I often use my walker with a seat instead, though, because it has a basket, and my joints don't like it if I carry much of anything. but if you don't carry a purse, or that doesn't bother you, the seat cane will do the job. I'm a big fan of b.y.o.s. (bring your own seat).

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If the 4-leg one is still a cane, and thus I can walk with it, I'd look into it, I think.

I'm tall so I'm not a lightweight. And if it broke on you and you were no where near the weight limit. Well. I'd hate that! :blink: I mean, if you're 75 pounds under the weight limit, for example, you think you'd be ok. The weight limit usually UNDERESTIMATES from what I've heard from engineers to avoid lawsuits/issues.

I think this may be a life-saver for me. I don't want to miss my summer and fall like I did last year. It's worth a go!

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I'm short and stout, but a good 90 pounds below the alleged weight limit. But yes, bringing my own seat along makes many things possible. I can barely stand waiting for the light to change at an intersection, let alone in any kind of line, no matter how short.

the only downside is I find it hard on my neck to talk to standing people while seated. I appear to have some laxity at the cranial-cervical junction, so it's not great to have to look up all the time to talk to people. I guess I should get in the habit of asking people to sit if we are talking for more than a couple minutes.

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I took my seat cane with me this week on a flight across country. It went through security fine! I used a wheelchair most of the time in the airport, and my dad sat on my cane while we were waiting for flights. He's close to the weight limit (and I have the 3-legged cane) and it held up fine. Do remember to sit facing the handle, though.

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