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Allergic Reaction??? And Anyone Ever Sleep This Much?


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Hi everyone!

I have a couple of questions...

Anyone ever have the heavy, raw, and swollen tongue feeling?

I have this semi-frequently, but have not linked it to a cause. Does this sound like an allergic reaction? Last time I had it (Wed) I had blood drawn and they put tape on me before I could stop them (I am very sensitive to adhesives), and it seems like I had a couple of other "different" things on that day... I think I had tomato products, which I recently learned that since I was very young I would get splotchy redness around my mouth (not staining, but hive/rash like :huh: ) . I don't tend to get quite that bad of a reaction anymore (at least not an obvious one). So, who knows, but it feels like an allergy...

I also got this weird ear/jaw pain that felt more like I stuck something to far in my ear (which I didn't) and was keeping me from opening my mouth very wide to eat/drink. It was weird... and it hurt! :blink: AND I had a migraine! :blink:

I have tried and am continuing to try to get in and get allergy tested, but with my drs. it is easier said than done.... :unsure:

Since Wed. when all this weirdness happened, and I left from parents house 2 hours away to my apartment in another city, AND had a dr. appmt. here in town. After all of this was done... I crashed! Then ever since I have been able to wake up and do a few things and crash again. I am sleeping HARD! Very weird for me! And I have since slept 18-20 hours a day since Wed. night! :blink::o Anyone else have this???

And it is annoying because I have so much I need to do, but I don't have the energy, endurance, stamina, ability to stay vertical and alert.... :blink:

My trash isn't taking care of itself... <_< and I have a bunch of laundry etc. to bring in from the car, but I haven't had enough energy. :angry: .

I don't know... I think it is back to bed though... I am exhausted! :o

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I don't have the pain in your ear like you describe, but I definatly have some major ear problems. I have had an ongoing "ear infection" since early February, and think it may be due to allergies. I had one last year too. I also have the sleeping issues. I have spent entire days just sleeping, and waking for a very short time, only to go back to sleep again. Luckily it always passes. I hope yours passes soon too. I hope you can get in to see an alergist too. Wish I knew why, but at least know you are not alone.


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I've been going through this during the day for a few days now too. But, I'm up at night jerking (nocturnal myoclonus) and wide awake for hours on end.

I ate out on Wednesday and I know I got some gluten and I'm super sensitive to it. I haven't figured out yet how to wake up when this is happening. I could drink a cup of coffee and still fall right to sleep during the day ... Melatonin was working at night but isn't this time.

Mine only lasts a few days to a week once I'm no longer ingesting gluten. Forcing myself to get out of the house and run errands helped today too. But, don't drive if your too sleepy ... Been there done that ... :unsure:

Until you can get your doc to test you, you could always go on the elimination diet. It's gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn and chemicals like MGS, aspartame, etc ... This leaves you with fresh meats, fruits and veggies ... I'd start with the ones you know give you a problem ..

The tongue problems are a food allergy. Google oral allergy ... Mine was doing this non stop back in 2005 - 7 but hasn't been a problem in the last year. And I'm eating a wide variety of foods now. Cantaloupe, oranges and walnuts were the worst.

I'm interested in seeing what others have done for this ...

Hope you feel better ... good nite .. lol ..

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Guest brianala

Yeah, I've had issues with sleeping like that.

Yesterday my husband and I woke up early to sell our stuff at a yard sale. We packed up around 11 am and I went inside and crashed. I slept until about 4, and missed my second dose of Midodrine. I felt like I'd been run over by a truck. We had a poker game with friends that night so we went to that but by 9 pm I was feeling really bad again and I had cash out and go lay on the couch for the rest of the night.

I've also had a reaction to adhesives like you describe. The last few times I've had blood drawn or an IV put in I always get this raw, red, itchy rash where the tape was.

As for the ear thing, sometimes a buildup of wax can do that. You may want to pick up some wax-softening drops at the store and try that to see if it helps.

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Sara has the sleeping problems also. Especially if she has a doctor appt, or some other activity. Soon as she gets home she crashes and usually sleeps for 18-24 hours almost nonstop. We dont have much experience with the other things you mentioned, but it does sound like it could be allergy related. My son has allergies and if he eats pecans, or bananas his mouth will itch. He takes allergy shots for the other allergies( air-borne----- pollen, dust, mold, etc, etc......)

Best of luck to you


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