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Hello, I am new here trying to figure some things out. I posted earlier about many symptoms i have had that don't quite fit with my regular Auto imune stuff.

I neglected to mention a few, as there are so many.

The two that i would like to learn about are neck and headaches and heat intollerance and flushing.

I have been having a terrible time with my neck ever since i was in an auto accident in 2007. I can't put my chin to chest anymore ore look up either. Today I sat and had some tea and glanced at a magaizine for about a half hour. Since my neck is really stiff and right where my neck and head meet there is a terrible pain, it is real bad if I try to turn my head. My jaw is also affected as it tightens right up on me. My eyes can really hurt and feel sore and stiff too after a bit. It's terribly painful. is this something that is symptomatic of this illness? Anybody know why it happens? Makes it veru difficult to lay down as it gets much worse and my head feels all this pressure like if I was hanging upside down.

The other issues is a kind of heat flash. It's like a furnace clicks on inside my body and i feel like I am going to burn up. I have about a liter of water at my bedside every night to help try control it. It's wierd as my hands get so hot I have to keep applying lotion to cool them, And at the same time my arms can be cold on the outside???

Anybody deal with this stuff? It is all so strange but i know it can't be my imagination anymore as it has been going on for years now off and on. I sure would like to know what it is and why. Thanks Sandra

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I believe your symptoms are pots related. I have injuries that are worse because of pots...casing great pain. I think that since you hurt your neck, now since you have pots, it doesn't heal right and it flares up worse than it would if you were "normal". I get that filled with pressure feeling too when I lay down with a migraine...its annoying and hurts!!!

I also definitely have the temperature issues. This morning I was really hot, then really cold, then really hot again, all withing 15 minutes, and I was in the same room doing the same activity the entire time. Since our ANS is off kilter, our bodies cant control our temperature regulation, so it goes all over the place randomly...such fun B)

Good luck! Sorry to tell you there's not much we can to to get rid of these symptoms other than try to get our blood volume high with salt and fluids and then try doing aerobic exercises...and meds to regulate your blood flow.


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Have you seen a doctor about your neck? It sounds like you need x-rays and an evaluation of the allignment of your neck and spine.

As for the temperature regulation problems, I have the same sort of thing. There are times when I am hot on the inside and don't want the blankets on, but at the same time I am cold on the outside and do want the blankets! It makes it hard to sleep. The autonomic nervous system controls temperature regulation. If you have dysautonomia, then this may be an area of your ans that is affected.

I hope you can find some relief from your symptoms.


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Have you seen a doctor about your neck? It sounds like you need x-rays and an evaluation of the allignment of your neck and spine.

I agree that it might be a good idea to see someone about your neck issues. Although I've been in 2 bad car accidents in the last 10 years and have bad jaw, neck, upper back, and mid back pain too. I'm currently going to physical therapy where they are doing myofacial release. It feels so good!

But I do know that decreased circulation to the upper parts of my body due to POTS contributes to my pains/headaches. What works for me is a heated rice pack over my shoulders and on my neck, rest/exercise when appropriate, advil, and physical therapy. It makes the pains more tolerable.

I've been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy all over my whole body. I can't appropriately feel temperatures anymore and I often feel like I'm burning hot in my skin but my hubby tells me my skin is cool to the touch. What makes my neuropathy pain worse is stress, physical activity, heat, and it's worse at night. Sometimes benadryl helps my burning... no one can tell me why, but when it gets really bad (ie can't tolerate wearing clothes because of the friction of the fabrics or can't sleep from the pain) I have to take pain meds. The burning is always on my feet, hands, face and mouth, but spreads toward my torso when it gets worse. My mouth and throat feels like I've just drank a scalding cup of coffee. Popsicles or cold drinks help somewhat. The Mayo doc says that my small fiber neuropathy is responsible for my POTS. I take my temperature when I'm burning badly and they are all over the map (96 to 99's). Mayo ran every test possible but doesn't know what caused the neuropathy, but they suspect it came on after I had mono in 2006. You might not have neuropathy, and small fiber neuropathy is really difficult to diagnose. At Mayo they diagnosed me by testing my sensation and applying heat and cold to my skin and having me rate the temperature. I did okay on cold, but wasn't able to distinguish differences in heat. They all felt scalding hot.

Pinched nerves in your neck can also cause pains/heat/numbness in your arms and hands.

I hope you can get some answers soon, Sandi!


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