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Discontinuing Meds

julie f

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I have been on metoprolol and flecainide for almost a year. Within the last week, I have had some swelling in my legs, and the dizziness that I usually experience is now off the charts. It was so bad today that I had to leave work. Usually I can work through the dizziness, and I feel functional by 9:00am. This morning, I just could not shake it. My PCF said that the flecainide could be the culprit, and suggested that I go off of it. However, I had to go through my cardio to do so because this could be tricky according to her experience.

My cardio's staff said I could go off of it with no problem. I am now wondering what I may experience going off of this medication. Has anyone had any experience with discontinuing flecainide? I am hoping that this will reduce the dizziness and swelling that I am experiencing, but I am at the same time nervous. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


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I've never taken that particular med. But when I get intolerable side-effects from a medication that also gives me something I need, my doc and I try cutting the dose before actually deciding to drop it entirely. Often, cutting the dose in half waylays side-effects and I can continue enjoying the benefits of the drug. If the dose is too low to cut, I take a "medication vacation" for a few weeks, then try it again. Often my body accepts it after this break.

Good luck!

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I have never had swelling or dizziniess due to flecainide, though I see they are amongst the range of possible side effects in the patient leaflet. When I increase the dose or I am at the limit of what I can tolerate, I get visual disturbances which I think are a common side effect. This is most noticeable when I turn my head and it takes a while for my vision to catch up. And I have to be very careful not to get run over when crossing the road!

I have come off flecainide several times and though I feel worse, nothing very exciting happens. However, the arrhythmia I take it for is not life threatening so it doesn't matter if I have a few bad days. If you have serious arrhythmias, make sure you have someone around if you are going to suddenly stop the medication.

I understand that flecainide has a very narrow therapeutic range and maybe the dose you are taking isn't suitable anymore. I have taken flecainide long term and had to change the dose a couple of times for this reason. Have you considered skipping a dose? If I accidentally miss a dose, about 6-8 hours after the missed dose the level of flecainide is too low and I start feeling ill. This might give you a preview of what will happen.

I usually come off flecainide when I'm in a bad patch in the hope that coming off the flecainide is going to solve it. It never does, but I never learn! If stopping flecainide doesn't help and you decide to take it again, bear in mind that it takes a week or so for your body to readjust.

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