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Gyn Appointment Questions


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Hi all,

I have schedule my first gyn exam appointment. I made this appointment with a newer GYN office in town and not relying on my family doctor, for one he's a man and personally i would like a female and two i'm nervous as all get out. Yes im still breathing. What should i expect?

One of my main questions is that i seem to have more bladder leakage (happens full or empty) and the urge to go ---i am thinking it's the POTS, but i'm not sure, anyone get this? I have never brought it up with my family doctor as im embrassed by this and i don't know what tests would be involved but nothing sounds fun.


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I've been fortunate to always find really good GYNs and Nurse Practitioners. Keep in mind a Doctor is a Doctor. They are not perfect, they don't know everything and they have bad hair days just like the rest of us. I'd recommend being as up front as you can, let her know you are nervous and what your concerns are. If she's any good at her job she'll put your mind at ease and answer any and all of your questions. My GYN always comes in the room to talk with me BEFORE I get undressed. I appreciate the opportunity to talk with him when I have my own clothes on. After the exam, he leaves again and lets me get dressed before coming back in to speak with me again.

My GYNO knows I have POTS and understands that sitting up in the waiting room for long periods of time can be difficult on me. So I have often called the front desk staff before my appointment and let them know (if I am having a potsy day) that I may need a room to lie down and wait in before seeing the doctor if they are running behind schedule. And they have always done their best to accomodate my needs.

Write down a list of questions before you see your Doctor, and don't be afraid to read from the list (and even take notes on the answers) right there on the exam table! You may want to include some open ended questions like whether they have any recommendations for patients with ortho-static intolerance. Remember pregnant women often experience orthostatic hypotension so she may be familiar with some of your symptoms even if she has never formally had a POTS patient before.

Congratulations on taking the step to find a doctor you are comfortable with. I hope this one meets all of your expectations!

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I know it will be hard, but TRY to relax. My Mom scheduled my first OB/GYN appointment right after I started by period (13 years old.) Since the system was working, I might as well get used to it and get it checked out. While it's not fun, it can be uncomfortable, the more you relax, the better it will be. She may not even do an internal exam. From your symptoms, it sounds more like you might get away with a urine test. An OB/GYN is one of the "big" doctors for us ladies as far as importance. You must have a good relationship with them, rather they should have a good relationship with you. If you don't like this one, find one you do like. My OB/GYN was one of the two doctors who initially believed that mine was not a psychological thing, and he recommended my current primary doc!

Your OB/GYN is very important to your healthcare because the whole female hormone cycle is delicate and so easy to disrupt; it is usually the first clue that something is going wrong or at least out of whack.

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Just something to keep in mind...if you truly are having issues w/ urine leakage, you may want to find a urogynecologist. They specialize in that sort of thing.

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There are 3 types of problem that cause urine leaks:

- Stress incontinence where movements such as coughing, sneezing, lifting put pressure on the bladder and the muscles that control the bladder can't keep it closed. Usually happens when the bladder is nearly full. Often pelvic floor exercises help with this, some people have surgery to lift up the bladder neck if it is prolapsing.

- Urge incontinence is when the bladder muscle suddenly contracts and pushes urine out of the bladder, can happen when the bladder is full or nearly empty. There are medications that help to stabilise the bladder muscle.

- Mixed incontinence is where you have both problems and need a combination of treatments/exercises.

Gynae visits are always strange/embarrassing/worrying, the important thing to remember is that the gynae doc will spend all day seeing patients who have exactly the same concerns as you do, it is part of their job to help you to feel comfortable and explain what they are doing.

Examination usually happens during a gynae exam so it is best to be prepared. Wear comfy clothes that are easy to slip on and off and take a panty liner to wear afterwards (they use a gel that can be sticky afterwards). An internal/pelvic exam is a strange sensation but not painful, the most awkward bit is usually positioning your legs so the your knees are flopped out sideways (a gynae office will probably have a special couch with foot rests so not a problem). They may want to do a speculum exam too to look at the top of the vagina and the cervix. As said earlier ask the doctor to use a small speculum, they are specially designed for younger girls but are also very helpful for nervous patients. Explain your nerves and the doctor should talk you through everything gently. One tip a gynae nurse gave me was before the dr starts the speculum exam you clench the muscles in your backside as hard as you can and keep squeezing them, when the dr is ready relax the muscles and the pelvic floor will automatically relax too making the exam easier.

Hope the visit goes well,


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Well I am offically in the "woman club" of going to the gyno. You think with all the doctors i have been to talking to one would be easy. WRONG. The PA was super nice, just me nerves. And she used the virgin speculum ya whatever. I was uber tired tho since i got what four hours of sleep due to the fact that i was cramming it in for finals.

SO im good for a year

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Hi, what is the connection between final exams and gynae appointments? The day that the results of my finals were due to come out (at 4pm) I had my first gynae appointment - it sure kept my mind off waiting for the results. I hope your apt didn't mess up your revision, sounds like you are working really hard!

Good luck with your finals,


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I always need a smaller speculum....if you never have kids and are small in stature, they will always use smaller ones..I worked in an ob gyn and that was the general rule.

I remember i was getting examined last year and it always hurts me a bit when they insert the thing...my doc has crazy sense of humor and I used to work with his nurse.

When he inserted the thing I went "Ouch is that the smaller one?" and he said "No it's the one I use on your sister".

she has had 4 kids. :(:wub::lol: guess you had to be there...it was hilarious.

glad you got the visit behind you...no pun intended. :)

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hello there,

Recently I had to go into hospital as an ermergency patient due to a kidney infection. I was in a great deal of pain and couldn't pee! Not a nice experience! They had to catheterise me and put me on anti biotics. After a couple of days I was OK and allowed to go home. Interestingly, the doctor said that patients with autonomic problems (I have PAF) sometimes have urinary problems caused by not fully emptying the bladder when they go to the toilet. He thought that my infection might have been caused by this, that by not completely voiding, remaining urine made me prone to infection. Now when I have a pee, I make a conscious effort to stay on the toilet for longer and make sure my bladder is completely empty. Often, when I think I have finished, if a stay sitting for a few more moments, I find a can produce a few more drops! Sorry to put it so bluntly.

Anyway, it crossed my mind that perhaps your leaking problems could be associated with something like this. Maybe if you tried my method, you might find the situation improves. It's worth a shot.

Glad you coped with your exam, and you should mention your worries to the doc. That's what they are there for, and nothing much is going to surprise them.

Best Regards, Karen

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