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Computer Makes Me Feel Dizzier


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I work all day on a computer and im pretty sure Ive noticed that the computer screen seems to make me feel dizzier. It could just be because im sitting there for a long time with my head up, but i cop a fair few migraines and often from bright lights and comp screens.

I get the feeling that a bad day is always worse when ive been at work all day on the computer.

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TV makes it worse for me, I think it is the flash and motion. I find that as more programs are going hi-def that I can actually see the frames of motion and it does not seem as fluid, it looks jerky almost like a strobe-light effect and that has induced a migraine in me and will make me dizzy and nauseous. My eyes are also strained with anything that requires constant eye focus. On some computers, you can turn down the brightness or you could do what I do sometimes and wear sunglasses.

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Have you thought of turning up the refresh rate on the monitor. I find that I can notice if the monitor refresh rate is low and that will give me one heck of a case of the dizzies. Try turning it up to 75 Hertz and see if that helps. If it is high, try turning it down. Also you may not blink when you're on a computer, so try taking "blink breaks" where you focus on something in the distance. Good luck!


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computer monitors can lead to eyestrain because of the distance your eyes have to focus at, and the nature of the pixelated images on the screen. Google computer vision syndrome to find out the details. Computer glasses can help with this. Other than that the blue light waves emitted from a computer screen or tv can strain the eyes. On top of that, it could be you are sensitive to the EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation given off my the monitor.

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I've tried so many things with my eyes, but yeah, still get dizzy and nauseous on my comp. Some days it is worse than others. This is the biggest thing preventing me from graduating college =(

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