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He is probably the best doctor to start with in GA. He is an electrophysiologist, and he is knowledgeable in the area of POTS diagnosis and treatment. He works with the Cardiac Disease Specialists, so if you need help in an area other than electrophysiology there would be a doctor in that practice to whom he could refer you.

I hope that you find the help and treatment you need.


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He is probably the best doctor to start with in GA. He is an electrophysiologist, and he is knowledgeable in the area of POTS diagnosis and treatment. He works with the Cardiac Disease Specialists, so if you need help in an area other than electrophysiology there would be a doctor in that practice to whom he could refer you.

I hope that you find the help and treatment you need.


i hear they are refering people to vanderbilt do you think they will send me to vanderbilt.

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I doubt they would send you to Vanderbilt right away, if at all. They would only refer someone whose symptoms are more severe than what they can treat or someone who wants to undergo further testing. The doctors at the Cardiac Disease Specialists would probably start out by getting a thorough medical history, doing an EKG, and starting POTS medications. It's really hard for me to say how things would go for you. I don't know you or your symptoms very well, and I'm not a doctor. You'll just have to go the cardiologists and see what they can do.


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