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Problems With Heat?


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Hi everyone!

I was wondering if anyone has any difficulty during hot days. Lately I've felt like I just can't handle being hot or out in the heat for even short peroids of time, and I didn't know if this is something just in my head, if I need to drink more water (though, I don't know HOW I could drink more water! :o), or if other people with POTS have found difficulty with this.

Thanks! Be well!


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O-M-G!!! YES! I cannot be outside for even *20 seconds* or I will be down for the rest of the day! Breathing in the hot air makes my BP and HR sky rocket and I don?t feel good for hours.

I see older people running and biking, and I think to myself ?HOW CAN THEY DO THIS??. I used to be able to do this but I can?t survive 20 seconds of standing outside.

FYI I might have the hyperadrenergic form of POTS (tests pending) and live in Phoenix, AZ. It feels like 666 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer.

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Guest tearose

Yes this heat spell is all too much! It triggeres very high spikes in my heartrate and more dizzyness. I even refused to drive today because I feel too weak.

Okay, so this may sound unusual but besides hydration, electrolytes and a cool compress what helps is:

Staying in a cool environment but not too cool. I find it much harder, seriously harder, to go from a well A/C environment into the heat.

I actually adjust better to the heat, if I must go outside, by slowly "warming up" to the outside and not going right into a hot car from a cold house or store.

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It's a really common trigger----I think for a lot of people it's because your veins dilate which can make you more lightheaded during activity (due to blood pooling). I'm sure there are other reasons too though.

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Thanks so much for all your responses everyone! This makes me feel a whole lot better about things!!!

Be well!


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Guest Sandy Sims

Gosh you guys are making me almost feel human again--just to know SOMEONE has these troubles too makes me feel TONS better.

Sorry--to the point.

YES! The heat in Florida is murderous! And I just wilt like a hot house flower in no time flat.

GAWD I hate it! Water does help--with some salt mixed in so I don't get "over-watered."



I do NOT work for these guys--but a friend turned me onto this $4 re-freezable neck scarf cool wrap that seems to help.

Past that I have no clue other than to say, ME TOO!!


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Heat is definitely a trigger for me. If I get overheated I'm usually down and out for the whole day. Thankfully, I'm handling the heat a bit better this summer...But now I have a new problem: HUMIDITY!!! The heat + humidity is a terrible terrible combination for me.

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Heat and humidity makes me so sick! I don't have central air in my house so I spend most of the hot days in my room with the window unit on. I try to drink a whole lot more water and not stand as much. It helps a bit.

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