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Breathing Problems


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i have terrible chest heaviness and constant problem getting a full deep breath, i only feel like i get enough air when i yawn so i constantly trying to force a yawn, then my chest finally feels like it opens up, but i do notice my breathing is better when i am lying totally flat, do any of you feel breathing is easier when you are flat? thanks for any input,


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I too will have trouble getting a full deep breath while I am upright. I don't know why our bodies do this but I think it has to do with two things.

First off, when you are laying flat your body can expand more to take in air, and it forces you to breath into your stomach, not your chest.

Second I think that it might have something to do with our bodies functioning better while laying down as appose to being upright.

There isn't much I have found to help with the breathing, but perhaps just concentrate on breathing into your stomach, not your chest...if you don't know what I mean by that feel free to PM me.


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I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. This was my first symptom, shortly before the tachycardia started, 18 months ago. I went through every test you can think of and some crazy research ones to figure out what was going on but they could not find any abnormalities with my lungs, gas exchange, etc.... The pulmonologist and cardiologist I was seeing at th etime really wanted to help but didn't have any answers. Over time this symptom lessened and until just 4 days ago I had been doing pretty well. I have found that some drugs would make it worse or bring back the symptoms - drugs that nobody would have though would do it like Zoloft. But 4 days ago I started having this problem again. Friday was terrible - I felt like I was gasping all day. I am at a loss as to what caused this to come back except for the fact that I started a new drug last week for 3 days (Aciphex) and then was switched to Carafate. Although neither should cause breathing problems, I'm wondering if that has something to do with it. My doctor told me to stay on the Carafate but I took myself off and am going to wait for this breathing thing to settle down before I try it again. I hope it settles soon...

Anyway, i'm sorry you are dealing with this too - trying to get enough air in is not a good feeling. To this point no doctor (including my neurologist) has been able to explain it. And yes, it is much better when I am laying down.

Radha, how long have you been sick? And is this the first time you are experiencing this problem?

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If you have autonomic neuropathy or vagus nerve damage you can have issues with breathing. Make sure to discuss it with your dr. so that they are aware and maybe try to do some strengthening of your respiratory muscles and breathing exercises to help build your endurance and strength back up. If you can see a physical, speech, or respiratory therapist they maybe able to help. You may also be able to find online breathing exercises.

Hope that helps!

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yes james i also feel very often like my head is not getting enough oxygen, i use oxygen very very often, i am blessed that i have my own tank and that does help the empty lightheadedness but it doesnt help to open my chest up, only a yawn does that i have been sick with many different things since i was 15 and i am 32 now! i think i have had POTS for around 15yrs but didnt know about it in the beginning, the breathing has only gotten gradually worse and now its just all the time and so unbearable and makes me so tense and upset! well with good reason if i am struggling so hard to just get a good deep breath! thanks to all of you for replying


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yes james i also feel very often like my head is not getting enough oxygen, i use oxygen very very often, i am blessed that i have my own tank and that does help the empty lightheadedness but it doesnt help to open my chest up, only a yawn does that i have been sick with many different things since i was 15 and i am 32 now! i think i have had POTS for around 15yrs but didnt know about it in the beginning, the breathing has only gotten gradually worse and now its just all the time and so unbearable and makes me so tense and upset! well with good reason if i am struggling so hard to just get a good deep breath! thanks to all of you for replying


Meds can also make a difference in your breathing. I remember on a beta blocker I felt like I couldn't take a full breath. I've read they constrict air pathways or something to that affect. If you are anxious about not being able to breathe perhaps a benzodiazepine or SSRI could help. They helped me when I felt like I couldn't take a full breath. Hope you find something that works for you.

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James, interesting that you mention benzos and ssri's. The ssri's for some reason made it worse for me and the benzos did not seem to help (although they did help with anxiety) me get the whole breath. I guess we're all different. I hope to find something soon to help relieve this. Out of curiosity, which benzos worked for you? My psych just suggested trying valium since that has the most muscle relaxant properties out of the benzos but I hate how they make me feel a bit more low bp, etc...

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I have dealt with the exact symptom you described for years. I must say it has been better, but for awhile I really thought I was going to suffocate. I was so breathless that I could not even talk. The minute I would get out of bed I would feel like my chest would not expand. I would struggle to take a breath, and the only relief I would get is if i would yawn. But that relief would only lasted for a few minutes. Then it was back to fighting for a breath. Eventually that symptom subsided and another one appeared. I have heard that BB's do cause shortness of breath. I was on them when the breathlessness first started, and I am still on them to date ( about 16 years to date). Hopefully you will feel some relief soon. Hang in there... ;);)

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It could be just one of those OI things, in that our body just gets taxed more then the average Joe when upright. This can cause you to feel like you can't breathe properly, or have the feeling of not getting enough air.

I actually end up having trouble when lying down-----sometimes I wake up gasping or coughing. I know I have sleep apnea, and still need to complete the sleep study with the c-pap. I couldn't adjust to the c-paps they were trying with the first study. They also woke me when I was finally able to doze off with the mask that covers the nose area. They adjusted the air flow when I had an event, but adjusted it too high, and air shot out my mouth---- ;).

Maxine :0)

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Hi, I also have experiences this chest heaviness and shortness of breath especially when its hot. I've been dealing with this for years.

The meds werent helping but I was getting worse and worse to the point I was bent over double trying to cook from not being able to breathe while standing. I think it has something to do with lack of oxygen in the blood while standing.

Upon the recommendation of a freind I have found a natural supplement that has helped tremendously!! I take it twice a day everyday and it instantly helps me breathe better and chest pain is relieved. I am now able to function alot better than before. If anyone wants to know what this supplement is , just ask me.... I'd be happy to share in hopes it helps others.



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James, interesting that you mention benzos and ssri's. The ssri's for some reason made it worse for me and the benzos did not seem to help (although they did help with anxiety) me get the whole breath. I guess we're all different. I hope to find something soon to help relieve this. Out of curiosity, which benzos worked for you? My psych just suggested trying valium since that has the most muscle relaxant properties out of the benzos but I hate how they make me feel a bit more low bp, etc...

I was taking klonopin. By the way xanax, although in the same benzo family, I think made matters particularly worse for me. I was short of breath on xanax and having panic attacks left and right, but I seem to feel a lot better on klonopin. I now only take it though when I have my heart races to try and calm down. Just on Cymbalta 30mg though, I was able to exercise 35 minutes a day every day walking up to 3.6 mph on good days. So I hope you find something that works for you. I also had boughts of chest pain off of all meds, which the cymbalta has pretty much taken care of.

BTW how long did you take your SSRI for before you decided to discontinue? I found when I recently started up Cymbalta again after trying to go off all meds that I felt a little worse within a few days after starting it, but after like a month (SSRIs take a couple weeks to take effect), I found those symptoms were helped.


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