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Muscle Twitches

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I had my autonomic reflex screen on Tuesday and got through it okay. Something that occurred to me, though, was my issue with involuntary muscle twitches. I was laying on the table, not moving much in order to get as accurate results as possible, and experienced these twitches mostly in my legs and arms, but other areas as well.

This is not the first time this has happened. I have always been a fidgeter, and the only way I am able to be still is to concentrate entirely on not moving, the problem is when I do this, my muscles start twitching, like my body is telling me I have to move. I notice this particularly when I have to be still for various medical tests such as imaging where it is very important to be still.

Just wondering if this is familiar to anyone, or if you have any thoughts on this. My docs always notice all of my movement and was initially referred to a neurologist for assessment. The neuro could not come up with anything. I am waiting for the results of my testing, and therefore waiting for a diagnosis, but my suspicion is that this could be dysautonomia and my body trying to keep me blood flowing.

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I can't believe some of you have those twitches!!!!!! I remember first noticing it in my eyes. I twitched, trembled, and actually shook so much that I had a hard time walking and started falling a lot. I was tested for epilepsy, but when that came back negative, my neurologist just basically shrugged it off. Believe it or not, my Primary Care Physician determined that it was the SSRIs that were doing it to me. It's a very rare side effect of SSRIs, but as most of you have found out, if there's a side effect of a medication, than POTS sufferers will have it! Ha Ha. Looking back, I think that some of the twitches and trembling actually was part of having POTS because I had them before I started Paxil and after being off of it for four years, I still have them occasionally. I've gotten so used to them that I mostly don't even pay attention to them now.

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I had it very badly for a while, every part imaginable (and some not) was twitching. Went through various tests, negative. There is a condition, BFS, benign fasciulation syndrome. Some notice it started after virus, strenous exercise, so many different things. I notice it more when I am stressed, low in potassium/magnesium. Take comfort that if all tests are negative, that it is benign and common too. :lol:

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Hi all!

I just wanted to say I too have had this on an almost daily basis to some point. I also have had this for a long time so I have kind of gotten used to it. The comment on the thumb twitching for so long reminded me of times where I have had pretty much the same experience with my thumb and pinky finger. I have random twitches laying, sitting, resting, in class, etc.. It doesn't matter for me. I also have an Essential Tremor that I have always more or less related it to. I also think that the electrolyte imbalances may also be a big part of it for me as well. Most of my drs. have not seen these twitches- I think one may have? But, they seem to know what I am talking about.

I think it is an important thing to mention to drs if you haven't, but I agree that most of the time it is just a benign neurological symptom that many have.

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