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Everything posted by jkapache

  1. Ok, new ? about this whole GP stuff! HAs anyone ever gotten sores or a burnt tongue from all the acid that has come up?? I have about 5 sores in my mouth, alot like canker, a blistery thing on the edge of my lip=- and the top part of my tongue is burnt.... it hurts bad, but also itched a bit! Anyone ever have this??
  2. ok, great topic! To all those that have GP, are you on any meds? If so what? To those that vommit, does that go away after being on meds? Or is it something you always sort of have?
  3. Has anyone ever heard of this? A good friend of mine is a practioner in enzyme therapy and of course wants me to try it (alot like the magnet therapy post- anything that works awsome- but people put alot of pressure on you to try everything!) This lady thinks that if I take these stomach enzymes it wil help with my vommiting?! It lines the stomach back up. She also was telling me that I should NOT take antacid meds becuase I need the acid to digest.. true.. then my pharmacutical aunt tells me to take something becuase I am burning my esophugus.. true too!! Any thoughts on this one?! I know every one means well.... but sometimes the imput is hard to take.. cause if you dont do it you are labeled as you 'dont really want to get better'! Thoughts?!!
  4. Melissa- Thanks !! I know I should jump ahead... but I am very upfront with my health- and want to be prepared for the 'worst'- jsut me I guess. Thanks for all the test info... I go see the dr that diagnosed pots o n tuesday- so maybe she will refer me to a GI. Do you go to a GI dr that 'gets' pots- or anyone? Thanks again!
  5. SF do you recommed the bc pills? Have you found it has helped ? I do know that even before POTS I felt ****** when i had my period- it only makes it worse when it arrives! Another thing I should talk to dr about....
  6. Does anyone find that they are worse during there period? I find my symtoms are more intense. Does anyone take birth control, or some other med for this? If so, who provided this for you? thanks!!
  7. Hi, I find that the more I do the more intese the symptoms are. I know for myslef 'brain' work is very difficult, and makes me very sick afterwards. As does physical.. Try not to over do it- I know its tuff- and you wanna do stuff- but I found that do light stuff and spreading it out helps- instead of doing a 1/2 hr straight. Good luck!
  8. Thanks again for all of the advice! I too am very glad to have found this site! Its great to talk with other about these problems.... as I dont care for people thinking I am bulimic or 'faking' it! This is gross but usually the food is recognizable Chrissy. (like the scrambled eggs look like they did when I had them on my plate). What kinds of test do the GI do? Are they painful? Melissa is it common for those with stomachparalis to have to have an IV? Thanks for all the support guys!
  9. the funny thing is I usually continue riding horses, or walk after eating and the whole time I am doing something I am 'spitting' up food that I have just eaten- if i do nothing afterwards, i still throw up! but ya, the bread will stay down as will alot of junk food. but things like eggs, ice cream, chocolate, pasta, fruits and veggies- that wont stay down! Thanks for the advice!! I appreciate it!
  10. thanks mm- I dont have a gast. was hoping to avoid one... but this has been going on for a bit now
  11. I have had POTS for a year now, but in april I started to throw a few things up, it has progressicly gotten worse, I now throw up all dairy, fruits, veggies, pizza ect up after i eat it. The only thing I have kept down is bread and some 'heavy' junk food. Why is this? Is there anything I can do/ should do? What foods are good to eat for pots patients? Thanks, and sorry if this has already been discussed. I was on Neuronton, but my dr switched my meds to LYrica in hopes it would help my stomach, hasnt yet... thanks!
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