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Posts posted by Darlene

  1. has anyone of you had an EMG done? how uncomfortable. the needles they poked me with several times didn't bother me, but i didn't care for them zapping me with these electrodes. he was just going to do my legs, but it showed neuropathy so he decided to do my arms too. hope i don't have to do that again. anyway, what causes neuropathy?

  2. they didn't do the cat scan, instead they did a nuclear scan. i had to inhale the radioactive substance into my lungs, and they took pics. then they gave me an injection with the radioactive material and took more pics. the lady that did my scan said she has never seen anyone react to the injection. i did fine, no side effects. if some of you are allergic to the contrast dye they use in cat scans, instead of using pre medication... hows come you just don't get the nuclear scan instead?

  3. something weird just happened to me. everything started to look funny, then i felt this burning sensation inside my body, & my heart was racing. i looked in the mirror and my eye were dilated. i didn't know if i was going to pass out or what. i went outside and stood for a minute in the cold weather. i get these burning sensations quite a bit. anyone else? i wish this would stop. it scares me when this happens.

  4. well, they couldn't do the test. both contrast dyes contain iodine. they are going to do a nuclear scan(whatever that means). he said you have to inhale something. its tomorrow at 11. he said if i had difficulty breathing tonight or chest pains to go to the er. i do have difficulty breathing, but i would assume from the bronchitis and asthma.

  5. i have had difficulty breathing for quite some time. i have bronchitis now... breathing machine helps. anyway, the dr. did a d dimer blood test, and it came back elevated. she wants me to get a ct angiogram. i said the only way i will do it is if they use non iodine based contrast. she asked if i reacted to it before, i said "no, but i have mcad, and don't want to taking any chances". she is suppose to call me back with an appt. i wonder what causes the d dimer to be elevated? has anyone ever had a ct scan angiogram? did you react to the non iodine based contrast?

  6. i am taking cipro. the dr. gave me a breathing machine. i have only done one treatment so far, havent really noticed any improvement yet. they did give me prednisone, but afraid to take it. i had high cortisol levels once in the past... not sure how it is now, but was thinking if its still high this med probably wouldnt be good. but i dont really know.

  7. does bronchitis cause chills? i went to the hospital in the night, they did a lung xray and said i have bronchitis. i am taking cipro. i am sooo cold, i am shaking like i am standing outside in zero degree weather. is there anything i can do to keep warm. and my body hurts all over. they checked me for the influenza and it as negative. 1st time i had that done... they stuck a q tip up my nose and it touch the back of my throat. defiantly worse then a catheter.

  8. My rheumatologist referred me to a neurologist. He kept asking me if i went through a trauma or if i was abused or sexually assaulted. What the **** does that have to do with anything? I told him, "I know where you are going with this, you think it's all in my head". I said, "I had a good life growing up, no trauma, no abuse of any kind". Then he asked me if I had anxiety. I said, "yes, but i think it is secondary to dysautonomia or mcad". he said dysautonomia doesn't cause anxiety lol. I said, "you don't know about dysautonomiathen, because it can cause anxiety". Then he asked me if i was depressed. I said, "no". he said every person with dysautonomia is depressed. he said, "why do you think the first they prescribe is ssri's". i think this dr. thinks dysautonomia is all in a persons head. here is why dr.'s use ssri's..

    SSRI's are used because serotonin is the principal neurotransmitter that the brain uses to govern autonomic control, in particular to govern blood pressure. some patients with autonomic disorders may have disturbances in central serotonin production and regulation. SSRI treatment can suppress the sympathetic nervous system. SSRI's may also be effective in treating the chest pain that is associated with dysautonomia.

    We are given ssri's, because they can help our symptoms, not because the dr. thinks we're nuts.

    he said i was wasting his time, and that he had two other people waiting for him. how am i wasting his time? i m not the one who wanted to go there. my rheumatologist referred me to him.

    Why did he act this way?

    I m not going back there again.

  9. before lexapro i felt like i was going to pass out 24/7. my bp was pretty low. with lexapro my bp is normal. it did cause weight gain, but i am super sick without lexapro. i hate the weight gain, but would rather be heavier and feel better then be thin and feel like i am dying. i cant take snri, the norepinephrine makes my tachycardia worse.

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