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Posts posted by ana_22

  1. Hi.

    Dizziness/light headedness while standing/walking/sitting is one of main symptoms. It has been constant since all this started 4 months ago, it actually kicked off the whole POTS thing, cos if i had POTS before the dizziness i certainly didnt notice it! . The only time the dizziness doesnt happen while im lying down.

    I have had a thourough ENT work up by an ENT specialist. I recently went to a neurologist who diagnosed vestibular nueritis and recommended i go to vestibular rehab (which im starting this week) AT the time i asked him whether he thought it was POTS and he said no, a few days later i had a TTT which confirmd POTS.

    I dont think the dizzy light headed feeling is related to blood pressure as i have taken it while im standing and of course feeling dizzy and it ranges from 105/75 - 120/80.

    So my questions are: Can POTS interfere with our vestibular system? has anyone else been non stop dizzy and had it get better or improve? has anyone done vestibular rehab?

    Also just on a seperate note i was thinking, i measure blood pressure with the cuff around my arm (like most ppl would), how do i know there is sufficient blood working its wayup to my head and brain!? could this be my problem!!!??? I ask this as other minor symptoms are tingling lips, a pressure feeling in my nose that comes and goes and my ears sometimes block like they would if your driving up a mountain (this last thing only happens if im standing for a long time)

    I hate feeling dizzy, as i guess most ppl would! i feel like if i could get this symptom under control i could acctually function with POTS and maybe work or go to school or something!

    thanks in advance for your replies guys!

  2. Hi, i introduced myself earlier, since then i have been diagnosed with POTS via TTT.

    One of my main complains is GI stuff.... no appetite, cant tolerate certain foods, nausea etc.

    I had extreme constant nausea for 3 months and it seems to have settled over the last month (fingers crossed) and now it only rears it ugly head a few times a day. Despite this i still have NO appetite at all and really have to force myself to eat any kind of food.

    My question is has anyone ever lost there appetite with POTS probably due to nausea and then have it eventually come back?

    thanks :)

  3. Well if you have read my previous post, im waiting to have a TTT, and i guess im getting a little anxious as to whether my condition is not POTS, because if this is not POTS then after many blood/urine/stool tests, ct's, ultrasounds mri's, im not too sure where im going to go to NEXT!

    SO it happened on a Thursday afternoon, i was at a shopping centre all of the sudden my visual field went blurry and started moving from side to side, i felt as if i was going to faint, so i sat down. Luckily a friend was with me and proceeded to get me water and some food. After not feeling better, she drove me home, there i still felt the dizziness and afew hours later i started getting flushed with feelings of hot and cold and my heart was racing. I called my sister who took me to emergency, who diagnosed a UTI (if only it was going to be that simple).

    Over that weekend the dizzyness constitantly persisted, so did a high HR (90-115) then came the no appetite and feelings of nausea and urinating everything i put in my body. This is also the weekend my insomnia started.

    FIVE days after the innitial episode i saw my family DR, who was shocked as i was severly dehydrated (eventhough i was drinking 2litres+ per day and anorexic (i had lost 4 kilos off an already slight frame) She sent me off to get IV fluids and then thats when the gazzilions of tests started.

    Since then (its been 3.5 months) i have dizziness on a daily basis (sometimes watching tv makes me dizzy), feelings of being unsteady on my feet, feelings of the ground or things moving around me, find it hard to read or concentrate, blurry vision, nasea all the time, have not had an appetite for 3.5 months, an inner tremor most days, insomnia, numbness on the top of my head sometimes, frequent urination which now looks like its turning into hesitation!, a constant dehydrated white tongue, weak legs, muscle twitches every where, a higher resting heart rate (80-95 sitting).

    Doing things like showering or going for a walk to get the newspaper became almost impossible, and for the first 2 months i was almost always in bed as the dizziness and nasea were unbareble. (they still are but i make it to the couch most days!) i figured out i felt much better lying down than upright.

    What made my cardiologist think i may be pots (apart from exhausting all otherr tests) is that my standing HR would be 95-115. So we booked the TTT, which we had to wait 1 month for. Within that month when checking my HR it doesnt seem that high anymore even though my symptoms are still there in full force.

    Now keeping all this in mind: QUESTION: the other day i had managed to walk to the supermarket and saw a friend, i stood and spoke to her for about 15 minutes, at the end of the 15 minutes i felt very hot, like i was going to pass out and my heart was beating very fast, i had to quickly sit down. THis also happened to me the next day at the chiropractor while i had to stand very still for 10 minutes while he was taking an exray.

    SO getting to the question. with POTS are you always tachy on upright position? can the amount of time till you get tachy on upright position increase over time?

    Thanks for reading and sharing your responses!

    BTW im a 28 year old female.

  4. Thanks for the replies. My TTT is scheduled for the 20th of July. I have already seen a neurologist, cardiologist and ENT.

    Im not dizzy when i'm lying down. Im just mainly dizzy when im moving around while standing up, sitting up, while walking.

    The inner tremor is not there all the time, it comes on and can last hours or for the whole day.

    Before all this happened i had a slight irritated ear, that was causing stabbing pain and a little dizzyness for a couple of days and also lower backache that lasted 5 weeks. Once both of these had resolved I was hit with this.

    Its just so frustrating as it just feels like my whole body stoppped functioning properly that day. Other symptoms that i havent mentioned are frequent urinating, inability to concentrate, insomnia (which has kinda resolved but i still wake up a few times a night), weak legs, pins and needles in feet.

  5. Hi to everyone, Im new here and suspect that i may have pots or something simmilar.

    It all started almost 4 months ago when i had a fainting/dizzy feeling while in a shopping centre. I went home to 'rest it out' but the dizzy feeling is still here 3.5 months later. The first 2 weeks i could barely eat and have had extreme nausea, dizziness and insomnia. I am tachy when standing but not ALL the time, still standing and walking around are difficult for me. I just have a few questions and was hoping for some advice/confirmation of symptoms etc. as I'm getting a little nervous thinking maybe this is POTS, maybe its something more sinister, i dont know... By the way i have a TTT scheduled in a couple of weeks.

    I have dizziness almost all the time, do others experience unrelenting dizziness? Sometime i feel like the dizziness has something to do with how my eyes move? (I have been checked out by an ENT who could not find anything) can anyone offer advice or has this symptom? and does the constant dizziness eventually go away or subside.

    I have nausea almost all of the time, ranging from severe to mild (unfortunatly ussually severe) I have had a endoscopy which didnt reveal anything. My main concern is since the 'initial incident' my whole eating/digesting patterns seen to be off. I am never hungry, have no appetite, everytime i eat i burp up what ever i have put into my mouth (even if it is a sip full of water), it feels like i can feel when there is food in my stomach, making it saw to touch or lean my hand against. I feel like digestive system is failing. Has anyone had this, particularly the burping and if so what helped get rid of the burping and get to some kind of normality with eating?

    ALso i have alot of twitches, muscle contractions and a feeling of an inner tremor. The inner tremor is my most concerning as it makes me feel like i have no control over my body. I cant see the tremor, but can feel it. it almost feels like a pulsating and sometimes it feels if my vision is also pulsating. Again can anyone offer any advice etc.

    Lastly the tachy in the early stages would not be as severe as i have read on the forum...my pulse standing would range from 95-120. Recently im not tachy all the time when standing, but i notice that the difference between the numbers of my bp reading decreases the longer i am standing for example my BP goes from 120/75 to 105/80 to 105/85 as i take readings while i am standing.

    I am looking forward to the TTT and what it will reveal but am getting quite anxious that i am not tachy as much as before as if its not POTS, WHAT is it? Any thoughts would be apriciated!

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