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Posts posted by Megan

  1. Is this just her temporary plan for you? (all of that rest) I could understand if she felt you needed recovery time, but most of us are encouraged to do as much as we can, as long as we know our limits. If walking that much only makes you feel a bit worn out and you can recover from it, I'm not sure why that is a bad thing. Maybe something to ask? Unless it's more than just POTS, I'm very confused as to why she wants you to rest so much!



  2. I am so sorry she (and you!) are going through this. As awful as it is, my best advice is to continue to see doctors until you get an answer (you seem to already be doing this.) While I don't really know the differences between OH and POTS, my experience with having POTS has shown me that it can be entirely unpredictable sometimes. Also, if all of her MRI's etc look alright, would chiropractic care be useful? (I seem to be advocating this a lot lately...but it really helps me!) I don't fully understand your daughter's condition so I don't know if it would be dangerous, but it might be something to consider.


  3. I guess this is a question more than a response, but I was diagnosed with ADHD by my former psychiatrist through a series of questions. Is this an accurate way to diagnose? (I'm not convinced that I have it, as the meds for it made me feel like I did have ADHD in an extreme way, and also because I think the POTS would explain all of it.)

    So sorry you've had to deal with med reactions! Before my POTS diagnosis, I went through a ton of anti-psychotic meds through a psychiatrist whom I should probably not have stayed with as long as I did. I do have mild depression and anxiety, but who wouldn't have some anxiety when they have a disorder but everyone says they're a nutter? (I'm much better since being diagnosed, but Prozac is still a necessity for me.) I hope you get a combination of meds worked out. Don't rush; you want to be sure you know which med is giving you a problem if one does.


  4. I have a similar reaction when I overheat. I doubt the dr could do much other than an IV if you were dehydrated. Overall a dr may have some tips, but if it was just the one time and you've been feeling well other than that episode (even if you're still recovering) I would blame the heat, but see your doc if it gets worse. I hope you start feeling better!


  5. I posted earlier, and then I realized that while I have no personal experience, I do know some about it. My sister has Lupus and has had a handful of ivig treatments. Different disorder, and they weren't all that helpful for whatever reason, but it can cause nausea and headache as side effects. My sister had to be put on morphine while getting the treatment for the pain, as well as nausea meds before and during. I don't know if these side effects happen for everyone, and I have a distant cousin who has benefited from the treatments. I just wanted to let you know that I had a bit of brain fog but I do actually know something! Good luck with it!


  6. Praying that you find an answer that is right for you.

    And while I know you're sick of being told to leave and don't want to worry your family, my guess is that they want you to be happy. As much as POTS takes over our lives, I hope that you can find a bit of your old self and not take the awfulness. Being stressed like that will only make things worse!


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