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Posts posted by Megan

  1. I can relate to people's frustrations about having used to been active. I was a cheerleader, colorguard captain, on the dance team....I can actually usually do a decent amount of exercise now, as long as I have someone with me. Another thing you might think about is a rocking chair, for days when you really want to do something but just can't seem to stand at all. I hope you find some things that work for you. I like swimming, but I'm not a very strong swimmer so it's hard for me to get a good workout that way! So like other people said, start slow, take someone with you. And only you know what your body can handle, so baby steps! Good luck!


  2. My mom and I use the phrase "maybe it's just time" a lot. As in, it's been a while since I've had a relapse, and maybe it's just one of those things that has to happen every so often, to get it out of my system. Usually there's a trigger that only actually triggers something half of the time. But anyway...while that may not be a good medical explanation, it's one I do believe. Even if I do everything I'm supposed to do perfectly, I'm still going to have symptoms. You're in my thoughts.


  3. Hey Laura, I'm in college also...I have some classes on the top floor of a building and I refuse to take the elevator (even though I'm 'supposed to') because I don't want to look lazy, as I don't walk with a cane or anything. But by the time I reach the top of the stairs I look like I've just run a mile. It is frustrating...and as far as having to give up some old passions (cheerleading, colorguard, dance...) I try to focus on new passions (writing for the newspaper, being a poetry editor for the literary magazine). Anyway, know that you aren't alone in being frustrated, and send me a message sometime if you want to chat about the specific irritating things of POTS in college!


  4. I have some advice as far as the depo. I've been on it a long time, as having monthly menstrual cycles wrecks havoc on my mind and body. However, right before and right after I get the shot I get REALLY emotional. Other than that, my mood is fairly normal. So I'd suggest writing your mood on the calandar so that you remember for the next time, should you continue to receive it. I find that depo helps me immensely, and I hope it works out for you. I'd suggest waiting a week or so and seeing if your mood calms down before you make any decisions. Good luck!


  5. As far as the stomach pain, that's one of my worst symptoms. Other than taking rolaids just in case, I've found that using a heating pad is really the only thing that makes a difference. I kind of just have to wait the pain out. (like so many other pots things...) I know that doesn't help much, but you aren't alone in that.


  6. I have not been on this med, but I understand what you mean about trusting your instincts. Did you mention that to Bev? If you haven't, I think you should. She might have another alternative or a way to make you feel better about it.


  7. I feel like I get uti's ALL THE TIME. A big reason is probably sex...but since so many people seem to have this problem, does anyone know if this is a common POTS symptom (the likelihood of getting a uti)? Just curious. I drink a ton of fluids and take cranberry tablets every day (since I'm so prone), but I still get them fairly often.


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