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Posts posted by Evie

  1. hehe i was wondering the same thing, when i get home later i will look it up on a online conversion chart to see how much it is in L.

    Are you able to eat in the tutorial? I went all dizzy once in a tutorial and left to get a cup of tea. I had previously told my tutor that i may need to do that from time to time. I dont know if any drinks work for you but maybe you could have a little pack/flask ready just in case?

  2. YAY ANGELA! I am so happy for you :(

    Thanks so much for comming back to share your good news. It does lift spirits when you hear about people making improvements.

    May i ask if you get muscle pain with your CFS? I was just wondering as i was fine going back to the gym but then after the third day my muscle pain came back and it means that i find movement very hard. I am just looking for hints to be able to get through the muscle pain so i can keep up a exercise regime...

    You must really miss dancing. I hope you are able to dance again soon xox

  3. I would choose to get rid of tiredness .... it comes and goes now but when it hits me there is very little if nothing i can do to ease it. It means heavy muscles, foggy mind and huge frustration. I think the fairy has been helping over the past two years so i realise i should consider myself lucky to have some relief of the symptom since so many are not so fortunate.

    Second would be pain... i hate it when my whole body feels like its burning or my muscles are tight.

  4. How horirble for you!

    Why dont they ask you when you write down your medications what they are for? it seems dangerous to make assumptions as many drs use medications for things other than there traditional use.

    Im sorry to hear you had to go through this, its good to hear you are feeling a bit better now though xo

  5. Wow thank you so much for all that information! :) Now i will know a bit about it when i ask my dr.

    That is really sad to hear about polio. Unfortunately it seeems as we nearly rid ourselves of one disease more seem to pop up... I suppose thats life and we will all die of something

  6. Thank you for your support Lthomas and Momdi!

    I remember when i was in england my arm hurt for days and days and nobody believed me after the second day heh. Its funny how kids remember these things, i was so annoyed that all the adults thought i was pretending for attention. Maybe i did get tentanus shots then... but they would be out of my system for sure by now. I will make sure i try not to tense my arm, thanks so much for the tip!

    Of course i will ask my dr about this, but yesterday a family friend who had bonemarrow transplant told me she got non-live vaccinations instead of live ones. She said it was much less pressure on the immune system. Does anyone know about non live vaccinations?

  7. Have you tried massage to help blood flow to these areas?

    Sometimes i cant move my legs or they feel numb. At those times i need outside stimulation to wake them back up. Massage makes all the differece for me :) Some people are better than others at massaging the right way.. it can take some practice to find the right person/way

  8. Sometimes i get the delayed thing ... other times i just crash and cant cope.

    Hypnotism helped me alot. I rolled my eyes when it was suggested but i was willing to try anything at the time. I found it helped me to calm down. On my first vist to the psychiatrist i cried and cried and cried ... i must have looked like a total mess! Its hard when those sessions trigger our emotions. Maybe it will get better over time as you get desensitised. Seeking help for the mental/emotional aspects of illness have helped me so much. I feel alot stronger now even though my physical health is pretty much the same. Good luck with your visits, remember there are other drs out there if you dont feel a certain one/method is helping you.

    I am glad that you had a good experience with the nurse and dr today :)

  9. Jan i am glad that you are feeling connected. I hope Jeff recovers from the chemo and does not have to suffer feeling sick for too long between sessions. Its nice to hear you have supportive neighbours. I am certainly thinking of you both and wishing you well xox

  10. Drs always nag me that i should make sure i stick my head out a window and get sunllight before 9am as it helps reprogram your body. I always look at them like they are crazy as obviously if i was able to get up before 9am i would. However i have found that with medication i have been able to move my wake up time to 9:40am when i am at my best (still 11:30 at my worst).

    Just thought i would share the sunlight idea with you. Opening curtains may even help to wake up the brian if you want a non medicated aide.

    Hope things improve for you :)

  11. I think i will just get the blood test and hope my body is holding the immunity to some of them. I know the college does accept titer tests. I was more worried about the number of them than if i only had to get a few of them. It seems like alot of shots for my body to have to take in a short time period.

    I just did some research and the rubella shot i got at 14 most likely covers mumps and measles too so that will be a huge relief if its the case *fingers crossed*

    Thanks for posting your experiences. It makes me feel much better to know that you all did fine after your shots. :)

    Just a side note .. i read that some of the shots contain antibiotics. When i take antibiotics i tend to get quite sick. It mostly effects my digestion and that in turn makes my muscles sore. Would it be likely that this would be different as its not going through my digestion tract?

    I know that sounds like a strange question. I dont know much about this stuff so i may have worded it incorrectly.

  12. When i was diagnosed with CFS i was the same .. awake at night and sleeping in the day. In the mornings i use to faint if i got up and feel car sick until about 12.

    I think bp can tend to be lower in the morning (others may experince it to be low at night).

    Im sorry you are going through this. I found sleeping tablets helped me alot. My dr took me off them as he thought htey were dangerous so now im on doxepin 3mg (break a capsule in thirds). its not as good as a sleeping tablet but it does help keep my sleep patterns in order.

  13. Yes melissa its for college in the states B)

    In Australia they tend to do the shots at school so its just a given that you have some done. I was supposed to get more in year 10 when i changed schools but didnt get them and the school never buged me about them. The ones i got when i was 4 was i was in england so it may be a bit different. I think they may have been for polio. I do remembre i got more than one set of shots so maybe it was measles as well considering they say they should be at least a month apart.

    There was a sentance after they listed the shots saying you dont have to have them if its against your religion or a doctor says you cant have them due to health issues. I am waiting for them to get back to me to tell me if this still stands for exchange students.

    I dont want to get them all at once and overload my system so that why im trying to get information now and move speclist appoinments forward so i can get some done in holidays. If we have to get the Hep ones over months i dont know why my exchange unit isnt warning us about it now. It seems i am the only one making a fuss (because i am paranoid heh).

  14. Good luck with it. Its such a tough question.

    I tried to pick up my boyfriends neice the other day (one year old). My arms shake so much from it. I sometimes wonder if i wobble on my good days how will i manage when im having a bad day? you cant make a baby let you sleep or rest.

    I hope they send you to a place you like B) do they provide day care etc at the bases? maybe the other women would become a support network if you family is unable to be your support network. I hope things work out for you.

  15. It looks like i will need to get these shots:

    1 Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster: Within the past 10 years

    2 Measles Immunizations: Dose 1 must be after the first birthday.

    Dose 2 must be at least one month after the first dose.

    1 Mumps Immunization: Immunized with vaccine after the first birthday

    1 Rubella Immunization: Immunized with vaccine after the first birthday

    3 doses of the hepatitis B vaccine.

    Meningitis immunization or submission of waiver form

    I will be consulting my specialist to see if she thinks it will be a risk for me or not. Hopefully if she does think its a risk they will not force me to have them.

    It is a bit annoying as i know i have had some shots but i am not sure what they were for (parents dont remember). I know i had rubella at 14 but have no form to proove it so i guess i will need a blood test to show my bodies immunity. I went a bit strange after the rubella shot and i worry that it hurt my body in some way that led to my CFS. I dont know if i am overreacting or not.

    Past posts tended to talk mostly about Flu and hep shots. Do tatanus shots make us sick or does it just hurt?

    any advice or posting your experiences with shots (or these specific shots) would help. Thanks so much B)

  16. Are they quitting on you because they dont want you fainting on them or do they think that PT will be of no help to you? If you can handle it then i hope that you find another PT who will be able to help you :P Its horrbile when people give up on you.

    I have never heard of a dr quitting on a paitient because of fainting .. how horrible!

  17. I get that feeling if i have electrical goods near me switched on at night (computer, stereo, tv etc).

    My ex never believed me so use to lie to me and tell me he had turned the computer/stereo off but i use to catch him every time so he had to believe me in the end.

    That could have nothing to do with your situation though Diana. Sometimes its the strange symptoms that can help drs diagnose. Like i never told a dr i was worse flying then when i found out about POTS i found it was a really common symptom. I just figured they would put it down to me feeling anxious.

  18. ibuprofen does wonders. I use to take it alot but my neurologist said that painkillers are addictive and he tells his paitients to not take them unless its only rare occasions (same with sleeping tablets ... they made me SOOOO much better). Massage is such a life saver isnt it amy :)

    Yes i am in Australia Morgan :) I will certainly look into it and see if i can get the device. I think i know what you are talking about but not 100% sure.

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