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Posts posted by becky

  1. Hello Ami,

    apologies i'm late in posting,

    Feliz Cumpleanos my dear!

    It's my daddy's birthday on sunday so i'm off to chester today for the weekend.

    Have fun with your yogurt maker, we got one for my dad a couple of years ago, it has six glass jars in it and its all in a box that plugs in, i assume it heats up. Dad loves it, he eats a big pot of bio-yogurt a day, you know the stuff with all of the bits of fruit and wheat, yuck!

    hope you had a fabulous day darling,

    love becks x x x

  2. Howdy,

    my rocks are all wonky as well!!

    I had vertigo last year for fifteen weeks and was told that because the infection was severe i've been left with a balance disorder on my right side, so if i close my eyes everything spins, have to be careful moving my head around and stuff i keep falling over!

    Not a happy bunny about this! the ENT said that if it doesn't fix itself in about 6 months then i'll be stuck like this woo hoo!

    any suggestions of what i can do to get rid of it would be appreciated!

    becks x x x

  3. Howdy,

    I stopped taking florinef in December (weaned off .3mg daily!) an my blood pressure is a lot lower now (normal!!) and my pulse is lower, has anyone else noticed this? it's not high constanty like it was, which is fabulous - i feel great! (touch wood - start work on wednesday, don't want to jinx it) and i only get headaches once a month.

    Wish i'd stopped it ages ago, i know if i get sick again i will not take florinef.

    Good luck with it all.

    becks x x x

  4. Fabulous news nina,

    i have an appointment on monday with a govenment run charity to help people wit long term health conditions get fit and lose weight, cos i can't afford the gym and i need supervision. This is called BEEP (Bradford Encouraging Excercising People) i'm a bit nervous about the appointment because it's with a doctor and he'll have to do fitness tests and weigh me and stuff and i'm always scared the scales will scream "get off fatty!!" but at least i'm doing something now.

    Good luck with your training and i'll let you know how mine goes!

    becks x x x

  5. Lauren,

    I'm so sorry this i happening to you, I'm afraid i don't have any suggestions, the system is a bit different over here. We have social services who come and assess you to determine what help you need.

    I'm really sorry to hear your relationship has ended as well, i know how hard that is as well as dealing with ill health.

    I too have slight reactive hypoglyceamia (sorry my spelling isn't going good today, brain fog!) and i found that eating more salt really helped me, if i have loads of sugar when i'm feeling rough i just carry on shaking, get headaches and feel really nauseous - also have palpitations at that time.

    I don't really have any sugar now apart from sugars that are in fruit and i eat loads of salt, and i haven't had a "shakes" attack in weeks. I say shakes because that's how it starts for me i start with my hands shaking and then my insides feel like they are shaking and then i go white and feel like i'm going to pass out, is this similar to what's happening to you?

    At the moment, just rest as much as you can and let your body recover.

    i'm sorry i couldn't be more helpful.

    love and hugs

    becks x x x

  6. Thanks Sue,

    Well good news, I GOT THE JOB! i start either tuesday or wednesday next week, it's full time so it will be hard at first and probably for a couple of months afterwards but the company know all about my illness and they want to do things for me, like get a chair with highsides so if i pass out i don't fall out, and extra breaks for drinks and salt loading.

    I had to do a data entry test and i got 96% so i'm very happy with myself.

    Going to celebrate with friends this weekend then on monday i have loads of paperwork to fill in to do with benefits, because i won't get the same benefits but i will still get some.

    tell you all more next week!

    becks x x x

  7. Hey all,

    I have my first job interview tomorrow in about four years! i'm so nervous, i've been and bought a new suit because i didn't have anything suitable to wear, just simple black with black shoes and a bright red blouse! I can't believe i have an interview, it's for data entry and i emailed my c.v. and they called me back in half an hour to have an interview tomorrow! sorry if i'm rambling i'm a little excited. i can't believehow much better i've been without medication. so fingers crossed guys!

    i'll update you all tomorrow.

    becks x x x

  8. definitely don't have that willows!! but do have swollen wrist at the moment- fell over on the ice today, proper cartoon style flew about three foot in the air and landed on my wrist and back, ouch!

    i do get really swollen ankles a lot, but they don't seem to have red dots on them. what have your docs said? isn't swelling like that when you have fluid? is your bp normal?

    another thing, isn't it fantastic to meet someone else with pots? i met persepherone nearly two years ago and she was such a huge help, i'd only just been diagnosed. we are the same age and we keep in contact, it's really great having someone else there,especially in my case, i mean the girl is such an inspiration!

    Hope you find out what's happening there. anyway how's Mike doing? any more news? read about his girlfriend dumping him, what a *****! i got dumped when i was in sixth form by a boy i really liked. it was awful! One boy i really really fancied in school went out with my best friend for years, we were really good frieds aswell though and kept in touch, and guess what, we got together just over a year ago and we live together now and we are looking for a house together - so it all turns out ok in the end!

    big love and hugs x x x

    becks x x x

  9. hey ami,

    tell mike not to worry about his exams and revision, just concentrate on getting better! my sister had a really tough time in college, she got glandular fever twice and then they found a lump in my breast and my sister fell apart. she took some time off and she got special consideration for her exams based on the work she ad done and she has now got five a levels!!

    also, when she was in uni i got pots and you all know wht it's like before diagnosis and when you first get sick you're in hospital all the time, kerry didn't like being away from home when i was sick so she'd come home a lot and her tutors were really supportive, an i don't know what i'd have done without her! she also now has a degree!

    love and hugs

    becks x x x

  10. Hi,

    i had really bad reactions to florinef, so i have finally stopped taking that and paroxetine and i have found that i am much much better without them both, im not suggesting that you stop! it's really hard, i did it over 6 weeks and cut down slowly, with my g.p's consent.

    whilst i was on florinef my blood pressure soared to 150/98 most days and i'd just feel dreadful, if i missed a dose i'd get really dizzy and my heart would be pumping so quickly and having palpitations. i don't have thatny more. my bp has dropped since i stopped and i've been able to lose some weight, which is a huge bonus for me. i was on 0.3mg daily (all at once in the morning), and my cardio always said that it was safe for me and the headaches were to do with something else. Ifound that i didn't feel i was being listened to by my cardiologist and i felt that the tablets were doing more harm than good. it's only been a month but i feel good!

    becks x x x

  11. yes please!

    i love alcohol and i'm not happy about having vertigo cos i can't drink.

    i just have to be careful not to drink too much and watch out for mixers, too much caffine and i'm really not a happy bunny - be prepared for tachy the next day i always am, but i've never suffered from hangovers even before i got pots and i don't get them now either! lucky me!

    beckx x x

  12. hi jessica,

    i've had vertigo for 12 weeks now, i was diagnosed with labrynthitis by my doctor. i have ended up in hospital twice with it, tried every medication and nothing is working. i feel very nauseous and when i move my head and eyes i have palpitations! it's great fun! i have an appointment with the ent consultant at the hospital on 4th january so i'll let you know what happens, but apparently they'll want to put me on a chair that tilts so they can see the results - er, no! the ttt was bad enough. They said i might need rehab for my balance as i currently walk into everything!

    good luck with it though.

    becks x x x

  13. hi, i've just stopped florinef but was on it for two years and i noticed that my blood pressure went up quite a lot 150/99 was the highest and then i'd feel awful - terrible headaches etc.

    now that i've come off it i've noticed that my bp has dropped back to what it used to be 110/70 or 90/60 and i feel much better. i have noticed that i am having a few symptoms, a bit tachy, well it's gone from 80's to 100's.

    becks x x

  14. hi,

    just thought i'd say that i had whoopng cough when i wa four and my litle sister had it at the same time she was one, we had it over christmas and kerry was hospitalised. most of my hair fell out and i still have scarred lungs from it, that's how serious it is. Mum says it was the worst christmas ever, and my sister almost died. the problem was that that year the vaccine had caused brain damage in some children, so my mum opted out o us having it. we were lucky it wasn't a killer strain that year.

    becks x x x

  15. hi,

    i started fainting at 21, had never fainted before, i was on prozac for two years before that because i suffered from depression after having a lump removed from my left breast. The depression did not help with my diagnosis despie the fact that i was better and two psychiatrists (sp?) said so!

    Finally saw a cardio when i was twenty three and was diagnosed with pots and vvs. He thinks that i had it for longer but that the prozac masked it, if i missed a dose i would get horrendous dizzy spells.

    he started me on florinef and paroxetine, which didn't work particularly well, i'm now twenty five and i have jst stopped taking florinef and paroxetine, i have noticed that my blood pressure has dropped from 140/90 to 110/70 and my pulse has gone from being in the 80's to the 100's straight away, but i actually feel pretty good.

    maybe i'm just meant to have a fast pulse!

    becks x x x

  16. willows,

    i'm so sorry that happened to you, we have been burgled three times in my parents house and two of them were walk in's while we were having work done, all of mine and my mum's jewelry was stolen and it was irreplaceable in our hearts.

    thought you'd like the funny story of the last time we were burgled though,

    we have students living opposite us and one had taken a shine to my sister and liked to watch the house to see her! well he noticed someone in our living room that he didn't recognise, so being a keen photographer he took photos and called the police - they came to investigate and found that our 60 year old back door had been prized open, when they went into the house they found a man in my parents bedroom going through the jewelry, he was a well known burgular and all he could say was "how did you know i was here?".

    The student, Yeti, gave the photos to the police and they were used to convict him, he got two years and yeti got some beer from my dad.

    becks x x x

  17. what a creep, real friends don't say things like that.

    i'm really sorry that you had to go through that, it's really horrid when people do that and you know that you have so much other stuff going on than to worry about putting on a few pounds.

    believe me, 14 pounds is nothing, i've put on like three times that but i know that people who comment on that are low because i am a lovely nice person and they can't say anything else nastyabout me!

    so, your friend sounds like an ex friend, and you are a lovely person if he can't see that under a couple of pounds, he's not wrth it.

    huge hugs and happy thoughts

    becksx x x

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