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Posts posted by becky

  1. Hi All,

    Just a quick note to let you know that i got married last week.

    It was an amazing day and i'm very happy.

    After the honeymoon i'll show you all some pictures.

    love and hugs

    Becky x x x :)

    P.s, willows, i hope the castle opening went fantastically for you. x x x

  2. Oh Ami,

    Sounds like you've really got your hands full at the moment! 8 days to go until the wedding too and i'm stressing about everything. still having vertigo problems which i've so far been told isn't menieres but that's about it!

    Poor Mark, honestly what is it with men? Trying desperately to persuade rob not to do any DIY or work in the garden as he is so accident prone.

    How's Mike doing now?

    Hope you aren't too snowed under and the weather isn't making life harder.

    Look forward to the updates after the big event!

    love becks x

  3. Thanks guys,

    Saw my GP again on friday and he says that i have a problem with my eustation tubes(?) and i have to see an ENT specialist, hmmm saw one of them last year and he said i'd be fine in a few months! so, having fun taking antidizziness tablets and bundles of antibiotics cos i keep getting infections. Have a new doctor and he is quite amazed that someone can get sick so often! ha, this is nothing compared to the pots, still means i'm off work though so not good. Wedding stuff is going really well though, so i just have to keep positive and hope the vertigo heals soon so i can shop properly!! My mum had to hold me up to have my measurements taken for my wedding dress!

    x x x

  4. Hi everyone,

    I've not read through all of the posts but i hope that you are all feeling well and that 2008 is being good to you.

    I haven't been on here for a while as my life has been hectic!

    1st of all, my POTS has gone, or at least is in hiding and has been since August, haven't fainted since the middle of August and have been feeling GREAT!

    Secondly and most importantly for me, i got engaged on Christmas day and have been planning my May wedding since then. Like cardiactec, my fiance and i have been friends for over ten years and have been together for the past two years, i was completely shocked on christmas day though when he proposed in my parents house in front of my family when we were all still in our pjamas!

    Thirdly, although my POTS has gone i have developed labrynthitis again, i've had it for three months now and it's making things very difficult for me in regards to work. if i have lots of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors it's because i can't look at the screen for long as it's moving! Missed pretty much the whole of december and most of januart because of it and i'm scared that i will lose my job again. Anyone who has any advice on treatments for vertigo they would be greatly appreciated.

    Also anyone who knows how to stop family arguments in regards to wedding plans i'd really appreciate it!!

    Hope everyone is keeping well and happy.

    big love

    becks x x x

  5. Thank you for that,

    The ecg that i had at the hospital didn't show anything, just that my heart rate was slightly elevated. i had three ecg's whilst i was there. i was told they were all normal.

    However, i still don't feel right, while my chest pain is nothing like it was i just feel like i've a pulled muscle around my chest and left shoulder.

    I still have a tempreture and now a sore throat that looks like i have ulcers at the back of it. The doctor has signed me off work for another week because i still feel very flu like even after a week of penicillin and i'm takin antihistimes. i have to have more blood tests done next week because she still thinks there is a chance i might have glandular fever.

    The last time that i had an episode like the one i described i was in hospital i had unexplained temperatures and raised white count for two weeks and now i feel just the same as i did then, only i don't take florinef or paroxetine like i did then.

    just want to know what is going on.

    thanks for all your help.

  6. hi heidi,

    i'm not sure what the system is like over there but here it's just like flop said. i have received both incapacity benefit and disability living allowance both before i was diagnosed and after. we have checks normally once a year but as i have been claiming for three years my next check isn't for another seven years.

    I have had two checks for disability and even though i wasn't symptomatic on the day i still failed all of their tests, and that was just basic stuff like bend down! i just told them honestly and (tried) without emotion what i go through everyday.

    I now work and i still get disability living allowance and if i get too sick to work again within the next two years then i go back to getting incapacity benefit at the same rate as i was paid, rather than starting again on the lower rate.

    The only advice i can give is to stay calm and stay factual.

    fingers crossed for you.

    becks xx

  7. Hey guys,

    i need some help explaining myself and making myself understood to my new cardiologist so they don't stop trying to help. ok i'll start again sorry. I have been fainting again - about twice a week for three months. got terrible back pain because of it and a very lumpy head.

    I haven't been well for about six weeks, temperatures and feeling ill, but no specific pain, i got antibiotics three weeks ago but i still felt ill.

    Last monday(bank holiday for all you uk's) i was in the car with my parents going out for lunch, a big treat considering they'd travelled two hours to come see me. anyway we'd been in the car for about two minutes when i got a pain in my chest like a palpitation, but instead of stopping like it normally does i got this feeling like a muscle spasm or twitch but in my heart?

    is this making any sense?

    i started to sweat profusley (sp?) and my heart rate shot up, i was breathing normally but i had this pain in my chest like a constant flicker and i felt like something was pressing on me, on my chest and my back.

    i felt very weak and dizzy and went quite pale, mum and dad drove me to the hospital which took around twenty minutes, by that time the episode had passed and my pulse had gone down to 106.

    my mum said that my pulse was so fast that you could seeit in my neck and that she couldn't count it because it was too fast.

    The hospital kept me in overnight and put a telemetry on me, which was fine.

    they also did some blood tests, but they couldn't get enough (only one vial!) so they didn't do the urea and electrolytes or blood count. the nurse said if it mattered they'd do it the next day - which they didn't.

    i really want to know what happened as this is only the second of these episodes i've had, and they couldn't tell me last time, they said that when my hr went to 224 last time that the machine must be broken.

    can you help? anyone else had this? and if so, i'm really scared, will it happen again?

    On another note, i went to my doctors after i got released and they did more blood tests, they thought i had glandular fever, which i don't. but it did come back that i have an infection and some kind of allergy, so i have antibiotics (again) and antihistimines (sp?)

    sorry this was so long.

    becks x x x

  8. hi katie,

    great to see you back on the forum! glad everything went well with the baby, sounds like you are coping fantastically. are you enjoying being a mummy?

    Hey flop,

    Are you a chester gal aswell? glad you are out of the hospital, are you feeling better now? bloody neurologists i got sent to a psycologist (sp?) too. did they find out what caused the reaction? or the fits?

    Hope you are taking it easy and feeling good - well good ish!

    love and hugs

    becks x x x

  9. Hi,

    I suffered with depression for nearly ten years before i got any help, i didn't want to tell anybody how i felt because i thought i was a freak and people would make fun of me or tell me to grow up or worse pull my self together. I was finally forced to tell someone when i was nineteen and i couldn't cope anymore. my mum had suffered from post natal depression and after my aunt died (her sister) she suffered again so telling her was hard but she was so supportive and told me that it wasn't my fault and i wasn't strange, she came to the doctors with me to see about getting more help than just family support.

    My dad didn't cope too well because i'm his baby and he couldn't make me better, but he was always there if i needed to talk and when my job became too much for me he was there to pick me up and help me through. My parents are both depression sufferers and we have found in our family that being open and talking about it and taking the medication have worked, we know that we can't make each other better but we can help not to make it worse.

    Be a good listener, talk about it - depression is still too stigmatised it's still an illness and needs treating like any other. Get help, if you are struggling with it go to the doctors with your mum (providing she's ok with that) and get them to explain the treatment and progression. The better you understand the more help you'll be.

    Finally, i know how hard this is for you, but don't say pull yourself together, try not to think it either because you end up resenting the person with depression if that makes sense?

    Sorry this was so long but it's a subject i'm very passionate about.

    If you need to talk to someone about it feel free to pm me.

    becks x x x

  10. Hi Guys,

    quickly cos i'm very tired! latest news is that i have a job working for HBoS (Halifax, bank of scotland group) in one of their call centres and i started my four weeks training today so i'm shattered - so far so good, they are really good about me having pots and anything that they can do they will do for me which makes me feel better.

    I'll post more tomorrow or later this week.

    Thanks for all the support.

    becks x x x

  11. Have a fabulous time!

    i went to disney in paris just before christmas and took my wheelchair but then i found out you can hire them - make sure you tell them at the front desk that one of your party has a whhelchair so you can all queue jump! there is still a queue at the disabled entrance for rides but not as long as the normal one. Also beware of tram tracks, my mum got me and my wheelchair stuck down these loads! great fun!

    have a great time. x x x

  12. Here's my latest installment,

    i now have five interviews this week, all for banks in leeds, these are face to face ones with tests! ARRGH! i have pre- warned all companies that i will not be standing up and i will be eating and drinking through the interview - the last thing i need is an attack of the shakes.

    So far so good they have all said if there is anything i need to just let them know, so i feel a little more relaxed and hey, i must have done something right to get through the first interviews although good job they can't see me, lying on the floor waving my arms about like a mad woman trying to gesticulate the word i can't remember!!

    Just said in a phone interview when talking about targets " oh yes i like it when you have high targets to, you know, aim for and er whats that word? begins with an A? hmm, hang on a minute - ah - Attain that's the one" the woman on the phone ws laughing at me! yes very funny for you.

    Right have to run and find compression tights and a map!

    Thanks for all the support and don't worry flop not going anywhere near a customer desk, as long as they can't see i'm cadaver grey on the floor there'll be no problem!!

    Persephone, i'll try give you a bell later.

    love and hugs

    becks x x x

  13. hey Flop,

    If you need a wheelchair you need a wheelchair - it's as simple as that. the law changed two years ago with regards to disabled employees so they can't tell you you are a health and safety risk and don't let them!!

    They have to make reasonable adjustments and if they can't because it is too expensive there is a scheme called access to work and they will help to pay towards costs of adjusting things for you. They can also help with paying for taxi's to get to and from work, it's worth asking, go onto the jobcentre plus website and it should have all the info there. Aslo are you getting disability payments? these help me pay for transport and things.

    Need anymore help let me know I try to keep up to date of the disability act so i know where i stand with any prospective employers.

    becks x x x

  14. Thanks for the support Tearose,

    You have to declare if you have been dismissed because it is for a bank so they will do a lot of background checks and credit checks etc, if they find out that you didn't leave the job but were asked to leave you are automatically dismissed.

    I'm finding it a lot more difficult to get a job now that i have pots then i ever did before, and i'm still not sure if they look and see that you haven't worked for three years and automatically dismiss your application.

    I think that your qualifications should speak for themselves. I know that i don't have a degree but i have managed to do my ECDL (european computer driving licence) which is a really great course to do becauseit shows that you have good computer skills and understand how computers work.

    I feel a bit downhearted because the whole recruitment process takes so long and really takes it out of you - what do you do when you have brainfog and you are in an interview? i sit there saying "erm? what was i saying? what's that word?"

    But i am determined that i will have a job soon - in a large company that can't discriminate and will understand about our condition.

    As for the doctors report - they are really bad up here for helping you out. When i asked for a letter saying i need to use a wheelchair from time to time they said that i shouldn't be using a wheelchair at all as i can walk, not any mention of the danger of just hitting the deck at any time he said i'd become lazy and use it all the time. after half an hour of arguing with him i finally got a handwritten doctors scrawl, saying exactly, Rebecca occasionaly needs a wheelchair! Thanks doc!

    big hugs and thanks for all the support.

    becks x x x

    p.s. just passed a telephone interview for a bank in leeds with really bad brain fog! if only they could see that i was lying on the floor with my legs in the air!!

  15. Howdy,

    well what a pain in the behind i've had trying to get back to work! the first job fell through completely because they wanted a doctors report saying i am fit for work, well that's absolutely fine, i requested it from my docs and they said fine, pick it up in a week. so i went back and they said that i needed a letter from my employer to get one so i phoned them to get a letter and they said yes we'll send it for you but no luck - nothing has arrived despite lots of phone calls and messages so that's one out of the window. I've applied to loads of places - had two rejections without interviews and i know it's cynical but i can't help wondering if it has anything to do with me declaring my disability or possibly that i haven't worked for three years!

    So i applied for seven jobs this week and i've had three first interviews so fingers crossed.

    Not sure it helped trying to get a medical report after i had just passed out in their reception and had to lie down for an hour! Oh well you live and learn. Got two more interviews this week all at banks and doing shift work so i can at least sleep late.

    In one interview last week the first question i was asked was if i had ever been dismissed from work which as many of you know is exactly what happened last time - i tried to explain that i had but it was because of my condition but the girl on the phone said she had to refer it to their pr department, i felt so bad all day, they called back the next day and i was able to explain myself better and let them know that the decision was overturned in court when i sued successfully for disability discrimination. Apparently that doesn't count as being dismissed so i'm still in the running!

    Why is everything so difficult!

    becks x x x

  16. Hi Flop,

    i know how you are feeling at the moment - i had three months without passing out then got an infection in my jaw under my wisdom tooth and BANG i hit the deck in the doctors reception area! apparently i made a really loud bang, the nurse ran out and said, "is that Rebecca again?". Anyway been having horrid chest pain and breathing difficulties so after four appointments they are finally refering me to a cardio. I'm trying to stay medication free but finding it increasingly difficult as like you my orthostatic tolerance seems to have gone through the floor. i find that i'm swaying! My doctor agrees that the infection has probably been what has started my pots symptoms again. It really gets you down doesn't it? i find it really hard to get perspective on it. I definitely applaud you on working, i'm going for interveiws at the moment and that is really tiring me out! Do you still drive? I'm not allowed, have to have 6 months free, so having fun on the buses in bradford and leeds - applying for my disabled travel pass. Anyway - i'm sorry this is so long, i've completely forgotten what i was going to write and what i was answering, sorry, bloody brain fog.

    Big Hugs anyway,

    Becks x x x

  17. :angry::blink::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Wow, i knew you'd do it, again you've proved to be an inspiration to all of us with such strength and determination through the worst of times. You're right pots won't win - we will. So proud of you - all of my family send their love. Would have a drink for you but i have the worst hangover ever and think if i smelt alcohol i'd throw up!!!

    As soon as i have a job and have some money i'm coming to visit, then we'll celebrate!

    Congratulations again, your parents must be so proud.

    Lots of love and hugs

    becky x x x

  18. Well done megan!

    I'm in leeds which is only half an hour away from manchester - i love manchester, used to go shopping there all the time when i was in school and also good for nights out! At least you know if you need anything then i'm quite close! Oh and if you fancy visiting chester let me know - my parents live there so i can give you a tour!

    becks x x

  19. Hi CJ,

    Where abouts in Ireland are you?

    My mum's irish - from just near belfast so i try to go over every year and visit cousins and stuff. I'm 25 as well - one month older than persephone! i was twenty three when i got diagnosed with pots and it has been quite tough too come to terms with, especially when it comes on quickly. But if you need anyone or any advice then we are all here to help you.

    Big hugs becks x xx

  20. Hi sue,

    Thank you very much for the post, well, were do i start?

    the lady that was supposed to do the training was off sick so i couldn't start - then i got a horrid virus and lost my voice and that seems to have started my pots symptoms up again, blood pressure dropping, pulse going mad! so i thought that i would e starting this week - no! i now have to have a medical report to say that i am fit for work and what reasonable adjustments i need to cater for my disability. so i'm waiting for the doctors to produce this before i can start.

    i'm just a bit worried now that they will have a look at what pots and ncs are and say, "hmmm, no thanks!" my cousins boyfreind woks for the company and he's said that they have a lot of disabled employees. I think i was really psyched up and now i'm getting more and more nervous and scared.

    so fingers crossed i get this report soon, i requested it on monday, but you know what g.p's are like!!

    i hate all this paperwork and stuff. i'm just a bit down about it to be honest - and i'm so scared that i' going to pass out at the moment - i've felt pre scynopal all week!

    Anyway , i'll keep you posted and keep mychin up!

    love becks x x x

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