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Posts posted by MaryJo

  1. Hi Gena,

    Thanks so much for responding and for your welcome.

    I have tried the salt which helps, but I am still having many days when the salt is of minimal effect. I am unable to work, and had to take 6 years out of my degree which I have recently completed, due to the POTS/EDS.

    I am under Prof Matthias in London, and I did not know if it was standard to be told to try the salt first and then to try meds.

    I am interested in the compression hosiery, as I have not tried this. Can it really make a big difference? Does anyone know if there is a risk of dependency in the sense that when you stop wearing them the blood vessels dilate in a similar way that wearing ankle weights for too long minimises the effects. Are there any tips on what type/pressure work best.

    Thanks once again for all your help and tips.


  2. Hi everyone,

    I am 31, from the UK and have been diagnosed with EDS and POTS. I also have had really bad digestion (possibly GERD) and I wonder if this is part of POTS?

    The advice I received from the POTS specialist was to just increase my salt intake, try counter-manouvres and increase fluids. He did not want to try any medications. It would be great if I could manage without any meds, but at the same time when I read down the forum everyone else seems to be on some form of medication. I am quite badly affected, and suffer with terrible chronic fatigue which I have been informed is POTS caused. Whilst I don't want to take any meds unecessarily, I do wonder if I should be trying anything else. The POTS is really robbing me of life, and so I would be really grateful for any suggestions.

    Thanks in advance.

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