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Everything posted by another1withdysautonomia

  1. I was always dissuaded, conditioned not to 'drink too much', as my first words were 'more water', and I was constantly told, no, you are drinking too much water, you pee too much. By the time I was 30 I was accustomed to drinking 6-10 litres a day depending on sweat, sun, wind, etc. and my doctor seemed sceptical that I was passing 4 litres minimum of urine, usually more than that. The only time my thirst goes away, is also the time I feel most coherent, but unfortunately, by that time, my bladder is busting and I'm peeing every 10 minutes, and my heart rate is up. Personally I think it is low CBF causing my body to load fluid, but that my system dumps it just as fast as I can consume it, and often I get low electrolyte symptoms and headaches and muscle weakness, I think from depleted stores due to excessive urine output. It's nuts living that way and not even knowing it isn't normal! At least I'm diagnosed now, three weeks yesterday. I knew there was something VERY wrong with my cognition. Now I just hope it isn't Parkinson... God bless you all.
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