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  1. Had it 2 times for about a year - not really satisfied. When I tried SJW tea I realised how it is more potent but still natural.
  2. It sounds very severe in your case. I'm not passing out, the worst (and usual) thing that can happen is to catch a cold. But it is sufficient to ruin the quality of life.
  3. Does someone have similar problem... after short period of each increased physical activity (even medium walk) my body start to secrete some kind of cold sweat on upper body after which I get very uncomfortable if it is windy or I'm in airconditioned room that I usually catch a cold? I call it cold sweat since it changes my body temperature that i'm start feeling really cold, and have to have additional part of clothes after that, or to completely change it with the dry one. It is really a drag because I start to completely avoid high AC rooms or walking on windy days. .
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