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Everything posted by Shungita

  1. Wow! If this could be the answer after 30 years it would feel amazing. Unfortunately the PoTs specialist in my area dismissed me after a 2 minute conversation and a 24 hour cardiac tape. My colleague is a cardiac sister so she has re-referred me back to him to challenge this!! thanks for taking the time to reply.
  2. Hello, I’m new. I’m 6 months post COVID and a long hauler (caught at work in NHS with no PPE). I developed what was possibly PoTs at 20 followed a tonsillectomy (30 yrs ago). It was a rocky road but in the last 5 years I had a reasonably normal life. Unfortunately post COVID I’m back there. Fainting, tachycardia/bradycardia, high/low blood pressure/ chronic fatigue/muscle pain/ nausea. One thing that has been consistent throughout when I’m feeling dreadful is that my pupils dilate and constrict without any light stimulus. Like they’re on their own little dance floor. Any dr I’ve ever mentioned it to has dismissed me and my only diagnosis in 30 years has been anxiety (I’m not!) and attention seeking (I’m not). thanks for reading, any advice very welcome!!!
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