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Everything posted by Knellie

  1. A couple of years ago, I started getting infrequent "Heartburn". But it wasn't really heartburn, because it happened in my stomach. It is odd because it started even before I got POTS. It usually happened when I at some kind of acidic food like oranges, tomatoes, lemons, etc. Now for the past several weeks, it is there ALL THE TIME. If I don't eat I get it, if I drink a lot of water (like I am supposed to) then I get heartburn, and if I eat, it relieves it for a little bit, and then it comes back. It responds to normal antacids, which makes me think that I am having some kind of liver or pancreas malfunction. Is it just part of the whole POTS thing, or should I investigate it further? Have any of you had a similar experience? It is really annoying to have that severe burning in my stomach all the time.
  2. @sfthriller - Thank you so much for the video! I think I will bring this up with my doctor. Thanks everyone for your replies!
  3. @sfthriller - Thanks for your response. Your headaches sound a lot like mine. I am wondering if you have had a spinal tap before. I am wondering if my headaches are caused by high/low intracranial pressure. Do you think I should ask my doctor about it?
  4. My sister got Coronavirus and although the rest of us tested negative, we did have a couple of symptoms. I have POTS and It did not effect me very much except for a very slight fever and extra fatigue.
  5. In August 2018, I started getting headaches pretty often. I was a little concerned but didn't think much of it. These headaches soon progressed into every afternoon, and then everyday all day. These headaches started shortly after I had gotten glasses, so we got my eyes checked several times, and every time the doctor would just say, "Kids get migraines!". I was frustrated, so I took a different approach, which was going to an ENT doctor. I had developed symptoms of chronic dizziness and I was always tired, my feet were always purple and cold, and I was always sweating for no reason. and so the doctor ordered an MRI to check for tumors, sinus problems, and inner ear problems. My MRI came back normal, and then I was really puzzled. We went to my PCP who referred me to a pediatric neurologist. It was there I got diagnosed with Chronic Migraines. She didn't give me any medications, but just told me to drink more water and eat more salt. I tried that for months, drinking 144 oz of water everyday and putting salt on every meal, but there was no effect. I had a follow up with her and they just told me the same thing. We mentioned our concerns about me maybe having POTS, so I was referred to the pediatric cardiologist at that hospital. He said that I had the postural orthostatic part, but not the tachycardia part when I stood up. But I do usually have a resting heart rate between 85- 110. He also told me to drink more water and eat more salt and then referred me to a pediatric physical therapist to help me exercise again. Although I have answers to why I am dizzy and have cold, purple feet, something tells me that chronic migraines may not be the correct diagnosis. I don't have light sensitivity or sound sensitivity. I have had three "migraine attacks" where I get an aura and can't read, but that was only a couple of times. I really don't know what to do. I have been on amitriptyline and propranolol, which didn't help anything so I stopped using them. I am thinking of getting my intracranial pressure checked, to see if it is a headache of that sort. My vision started going down hill around the time my headaches started, and I just had to get a higher prescription this year. Pain killers worked for my headaches in the beginning, but now they don't help at all. My physical therapy makes my headaches a million times worse as well. I am really confused and don't know what to do. Has anyone had a similar experience? I don't know if my headaches are related to the dysautonomia.
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