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Kim Wave

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Everything posted by Kim Wave

  1. Just saw a PHD neuropsychologist she gave my 13 year old son the diagnosis of high functioning autism. I always knew he had it but just got him evaluated Whdb he started exhibiting pots symptoms with definite positive orthostatics. My older son has pots and my oldest son had ASD. Anyway, I’ve seen extreme mood Changes also. I believe the pots is throwing him for a loop. He can’t handle his body not working right. The neuropsych told me Autism spectrum have vagal nerve stimulation and therefore you will see varying cases of vagal nerve syncope or pots or dysautonomia in individuals. Told me getting control of his anxiety first then pots will help it all. So plan is start on anxiety meds, then add maybe midodrine and then see how he dies. Long term plan is neuro feedback through a collegiate center only (highly trained) for brain retraining.
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